[Promotion-technology] eCANE

David B Andrews David.B.Andrews at state.mn.us
Tue Nov 18 20:51:19 UTC 2008


THE eCANE<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsof

An innovative new Assistive Technology called the eCane

is anticipated in the market based on a patent that has just been 
announced. It uses a combination of old and new technologies to 
produce a smart cane for people who are blind or deaf and blind 
(deafblind). It provides communications and navigation on numerous 
levels. Moreover the eCane is not limited by the restrictions that 
GPS units have by not being able to function indoors or near tall buildings.


The device can tell a blind person if a specific object is in the immediate

area. For example, if a person is in a hotel lobby, the eCane can 
tell the user if there is an elevator, or a restroom in the immediate 
area. After receiving a command, the cane will guide the person to an 
elevator or restroom, and in the case of the restroom tell if it is a 
men's, women's, or coed restroom. An important feature of the eCane 
is the ability to correct any deviations in the course towards a destination.

Communication for and with Deafblind Users

One of the most exciting aspects of the eCane is its communications

capability. This capability is enabled by an innovative use of both 
old and new technology. Using the eCane a person who is both deaf and 
blind can communicate with others regardless of whether they are deaf 
or hearing. The person who is deafblind would know what the hearing 
person says and the hearing person will hear a voice that says what 
the deafblind person has said by communicating it to the eCane. The 
person who is deafblind communicates by keying into the eCane what 
they want to say by using Morse code. The cane translates the 
response from the hearing person into Morse code and vibrates the 
code to the deafblind user.

The eCane uses voice recognition technology to translate the response 
from the hearing user into Morse code. Using the eCane a deafblind 
person can now have a conversation with a hearing person without 
having to rely on an interpreter to do finger spelling in the palm or 
his or her hand.

About the inventor

Dr. Ron Liebermann, the inventor of the electronic cane is the president of

Signtel Inc., the makers of the acclaimed Signtel Interpreter that 
was developed with a team that included over100 deaf employees of 
Signtel. Among his many inventions, he holds patents for the 
Telephone for the Deaf, which allows communication between hearing 
and deaf persons, without utilizing the relay service, The Fast Cash 
Transactions (FCT) -

the forefather of the mobile electronic banking system and a TV for 
persons who are both deaf and blind.

Ron Liebermann has a Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Oxford,

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />England. He was an 
associate professor of physics at the Federal University in Brazil 
and later moved to Yale University where he worked on the Hubble 
Telescope. His social contributions predate his work on behalf of 
deaf, blind and deaf-blind persons, volunteering time in his 
community. He created the New Haven Police Stress Unit and later the 
New Haven Police Hostage Negotiations Team together with former Chief 
Bill Farrell, for which he received a letter of commendation from the 
Board of Police Commissioners and also an award from the City of New 
Haven.  Dr. Liebermann also headed a successful startup company in


Dr. Liebermann is the first to acknowledge that in order to stay focused, yet

bring the eCane product to market he needs to team up with others and 
says he'd welcome any interest from seasoned entrepreneurs, business 
people and companies to usher such products to market. Dr. Liebermann 
can be reached at Signtel 203-248-0600 or via the Contact Us form at 
Signtel's web site (www.signtelinc.com).

David Andrews
Chief Technology Officer
Minnesota State Services for the Blind
2200 University Ave. W., #240
St. Paul, MN  55114-1840
(651) 642-0513  Office
(612) 730-7931  Cell
(651) 649-5927  Fax

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