[Quietcars] quiet cars legislation

michael townsend mrtownsend at optonline.net
Fri Dec 10 23:14:33 UTC 2010

Though this may not be what people are looking towards, and there's no bill
no. present, this is a good step.

Mike T


Senate Unanimously Passes Kerry Bill To Protect the Blind

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Senate has unanimously passed legislation authored by
Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) to protect blind pedestrians from silent road

Kerry's Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2010 will require Department of
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to study and establish safety standards
to alert pedestrians of motor vehicles, such as hybrid cars, that are
difficult to hear. 

"I'm a major advocate of hybrids - I own one, I drive one, and I've seen
firsthand their environmental and economic benefits," said Sen. Kerry.
"This legislation will allow us to continue to promote our energy
independence and technological innovation while safeguarding those who use
senses other than sight to navigate the roads."

Because blind pedestrians cannot assess traffic using their vision, they
must listen to traffic in order to travel safely and independently. Senator
Kerry, along with Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.), filed the Pedestrian Safety
Enhancement Act to protect the blind from preventable accidents by vehicles
that use hybrid, electric, and other silent engine technologies.

The measure now moves to the House for consideration. 

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