[Quietcars] Words accompanying video I sent about the Volt.

michael townsend mrtownsend at optonline.net
Sat Nov 20 13:33:13 UTC 2010

Here are the words above the video link that I previous sent.  Sorry for the
double posting.

Mike T
The engineers have employed the car's horn to emit a series of warning
chirps when
a pedestrian is in proximity to GM's gas-electric hybrid, evaluating the
nature and
level of the warnings to alert pedestrians rather than startle them. GM
Rob Peterson tells us that on the first generation Volt the warnings will be
activated by the driver, although future iterations are likely to
incorporate some
sort of active system. Currently, the biggest hurdle is developing an active
that can distinguish a pedestrian from another vehicle. Otherwise, without a
detection system, the horns would be going off at all times, increasing
noise levels
and making it largely useless.

"I am accustomed to hearing malicious falsehoods about myself...but I think
I have
a right to resent, to object to, libelous statements about my dog."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mike Townsend and Seeing Eye dog Brent
Dunellen, New Jersey  08812
emails:  mrtownsend at optonline.net; 
michael.townsend54 at gmail.com
Home Phone:  732  200-5643
Cellular:  732  718-9480

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