[rehab] Job openings for Cleveland Blind Rehabilitation Center (fwd)

Leslie Fairall fairall at shellworld.net
Sat Mar 19 02:21:37 UTC 2011

I hope some of you apply for these jobs.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 14:31:37 -0400
From: "Fairall, Leslie" <Leslie.Fairall at va.gov>
To: "'fairall at shellworld.net'" <fairall at shellworld.net>
Subject: FW: Job openings for Cleveland Blind Rehabilitation Center

From: Papadimoulis, Ellen R. (VHACLE)
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 2:03 PM
To: VHA BRS National Staff Listing
Subject: Job openings for Cleveland Blind Rehabilitation Center

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We're very excited about our new Blind Rehabilitation Center in Cleveland.   The design and construction have resulted in a lovely, spacious area that will well serve our Visually Impaired and Blinded Veterans.  We anticipate that we will begin admitting Veterans to the BRC in early summer of this year.  If you're interested in being part of an exciting new program, please consider applying for one of these positions.  Positions presently posted include the following:

2 supervisory blind rehabilitation specialists
9 blind rehabilitation specialists (3 in living skills, 3 in low vision and 3 in orientation and mobility)

Here are the links  to USAJOBS.GOV for your convenience:

Supervisory Blind Rehabilitation Specialist: http://jobview.usajobs.gov/GetJob.aspx?JobID=97648601&JobTitle=Supervisory+Blind+Rehabilitation+Specialist&q=&where=cleveland&brd=3876&vw=b&FedEmp=N&FedPub=Y&x=0&y=0&AVSDM=2011-03-10+09%3a22%3a00

Blind Rehabilitation Specialist (Living Skills): http://jobview.usajobs.gov/GetJob.aspx?JobID=97683728&JobTitle=Blind+Rehabilitation+Specialist+(Living+Skills)&q=&where=cleveland&brd=3876&vw=b&FedEmp=N&FedPub=Y&x=0&y=0&AVSDM=2011-03-16+09%3a11%3a00

Blind Rehabilitation Specialist (Low Vision): http://jobview.usajobs.gov/GetJob.aspx?JobID=97779799&JobTitle=Blind+Rehabilitation+Specialist+(Low+Vision)&q=&where=cleveland&brd=3876&vw=b&FedEmp=N&FedPub=Y&x=0&y=0&AVSDM=2011-03-16+09%3a03%3a00

Blind Rehabilitation Specialist (Orientation & Mobility):  http://jobview.usajobs.gov/GetJob.aspx?JobID=97798325&JobTitle=Blind+Rehabilitation+Specialist+(Orientation+%26+Mobility)&q=&where=cleveland&brd=3876&vw=b&FedEmp=N&FedPub=Y&x=0&y=0&AVSDM=2011-03-16+08%3a53%3a00

I thank you for your gracious input in helping us to plan this Blind Rehabilitation Center.

Ellen Papadimoulis, LISW-S
Chief, Blind Rehabilitation Center (117B)
Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
10,000 Brecksville Road
Brecksville, Ohio  44141
Phone: 440 526-3030, ext. 5282
Fax:  440 546-2787

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