[rehab] Comparative assistive tech request

Sammons, Elizabeth Elizabeth.Sammons at rsc.ohio.gov
Tue Nov 29 16:09:31 UTC 2011


Whoo hoo! Again I am conducting some research. Among other, here's what I'm looking for:

  1.  An objective chart or article with comparison of  how similar  assistive technology (AT) performs in various environments (i.e. PDF, WWW etc.)
  2.  Statistics on sales of similar technology, (i.e.  but not limited to JAWS/Window Eyes, or Zoomtext vs. Magic) in the USA
  3.  Any user demographics by age or education for  specific A T.

Any personal contacts, links to articles or thoughts on these or other marketing/use issues are warmly appreciated.


Elizabeth L. Sammons
Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Assistant, Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
614.466.9844 x. 3644
elizabeth.sammons at rsc.ohio.gov<mailto:elizabeth.sammons at rsc.ohio.gov>

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