[rehab] New DVD, Support Service Providers, d/b community

Sammons, Elizabeth Elizabeth.Sammons at rsc.ohio.gov
Fri Mar 23 15:04:45 UTC 2012


This just in and I wanted to share with you for your personal and professional interest. Feel free to pass this on as well. Please note, however, I am neither the source nor the financial beneficiary of this information, so you will need to order from the original sender using her contact information as provided at the end of this email if you have questions or wish to get the DVD.

Elizabeth Sammons


             I'm writing to announce this newly released DVD on Support Service Providers for Deaf-Blind Individuals.  As you may know, there are estimated to be 1.2 million Americans who are both deaf and visually impaired.  Dealing with this dual sensory loss can be challenging at the very least and devastating at its worst, causing profound isolation and loneliness.  Support Service Providers can make a huge difference in improving the quality of lives for people who are Deaf-Blind.

This informative and engaging documentary portrays SSPs at work with Deaf-Blind individuals on a cruise to Alaska.  Personal testimonials by Donna Ragland of Morrison, Colorado, and other Deaf-Blind travelers from all over the United States, describe the value of support service providers:  how their services enable them to access the world around them, participate in their communities, and maintain and enjoy an active life. 

              A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this DVD will benefit future trips of the Deaf-Blind Explorers.   For more information on this DVD and other books go to http://www.ellexapress.citymax.com/support_service_providers_for_deafblind.html <http://www.ellexapress.citymax.com/support_service_providers_for_deafblind.html> .  




Diane Chambers, Sign Language Interpreter and Author

Words in My Hands, A Teacher, A Deaf-Blind Man, An Unforgettable Journey

Hearing the Stream, A Survivor's Journey into the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer

www.ellexapress.citymax.com <http://www.ellexapress.citymax.com/support_service_providers_for_deafblind.html> 

mailto:ellexapress at q.com <mailto:ellexapress at q.com> 






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