[rehab] {Disarmed} FW: [ccer] FW: Oregon VR OPA3 Policy Analyst [1 Attachment]

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Mon Feb 11 17:22:12 UTC 2013

From: ccer at yahoogroups.com [mailto:ccer at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of LAURIE FORD
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 9:13 AM
To: ccer at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ccer] FW: Oregon VR OPA3 Policy Analyst [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD included below]
Hi everyone - as you know, we don't generally send out job announcement but OVRS is looking for qualified applicants for a high level policy position so I said we'd help out.  To quote from the job announcement,

The purpose of this position is to analyze, formulate and evaluate vocational rehabilitation program policies, procedures and administrative rules; coordinate/develop long range plans, goals and milestones; work in consultation with OVRS executive team, other administrative staff, branch managers and field staff, State Rehabilitation Council (SRC), and staff of other agencies; analyze applicable federal and state legislation, regulations and policy; provide training and technical assistance to OVRS management and staff on new and existing laws, rules, policies and procedures; develop State Plan; serve as OVRS Rules Coordinator; provide staff technical support to the SRC; conduct public hearings on policy issues and administrative rules.

Thanks for helping spread the word about this key position.

*  Laurie

Laurie Ford, Director
TACE Northwest
Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation
University of Washington
6912 220th SW, Suite 105
Mountlake Terrace, WA  98043
(425) 771-7428 office
(206) 303-0672 cell
Toll free (888) 377-0100 ext. 309

Promoting access and inclusion for people with disabilities
through education, collaboration, and connection to resources.

From: Wall Travis [mailto:travis.wall at state.or.us]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:21 PM
Subject: Oregon VR OPA3 Policy Analyst

Laurie -

Attached is the position announcement for our Policy Analyst position. Also, below is a link to the same information in electronic form and within that web page is a link to the application. Please allow me to thank you in advance for sharing this Northwest and California TACE folks and others. And, again, my appreciation for consulting with me about this and if you have any other ideas, please let me know.


From: FAUTH Jean
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:08 PM
To: Wall Travis
Subject: OPA3 Policy Analyst DHS12-0193


This open competitive recruitment has been posted on the State of Oregon website.  Follow this link to view the recruitment announcement.


Also attached is a copy of the recruitment announcement to send to your contacts.

Thank you

Jean Fauth
Workforce Recruitment Consultant
Oregon Department of Human Services
Office of Human Resources



Attachment(s) from LAURIE FORD

1 of 1 File(s)
[http://l.yimg.com/kq/static/images/yg/img/doc/doc16x16.gif]OPA3 OVRS.doc<http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/1043453/173896688/name/OPA3%20OVRS%2Edoc>
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