[rehab] resending blind person working as a vet tech?

Mitchell, Daphne, CFB Daphne.Mitchell at state.nm.us
Wed Aug 6 14:05:27 UTC 2014

Hello list:

Do you know of a blind person employed as a vetanarian tech?  One of my consumers needs to conduct an informational interview.  The individual whom we have contact information for is MIA.  Thank you for any assistance.

Thank you,
Daphne A. Mitchell, MRC, CRC, NCLB
VR Counselor
Albuquerque Field Office
Phone: (505) 383-2253
Toll Free (in state only): 1-888-513-7958
Fax: (505) 841-8850
Daphne.mitchell at state.nm.us<mailto:Daphne.mitchell at state.nm.us>

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