[rehab] FW: Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services Director Job Posting Announcement

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Fri Jun 19 18:04:46 UTC 2015

-----Original Message-----
From: DeNotaris, David [mailto:ddenotaris at pa.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:22 AM
To: Dick Davis; MRiccobono at nfb.org; John Pare
Subject: Fwd: Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services Director
Job Posting Announcement

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "DeNotaris, David" <ddenotaris at pa.gov<mailto:ddenotaris at pa.gov>>
To: "NCSAB_members
(NCSAB_members at ncsab.org<mailto:NCSAB_members at ncsab.org>)"
<NCSAB_members at ncsab.org<mailto:NCSAB_members at ncsab.org>>
Cc: "DeNotaris, David" <ddenotaris at pa.gov<mailto:ddenotaris at pa.gov>>
Subject: Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services Director Job
Posting Announcement

Good evening,

I hope that this message finds each of you well. Attached please find a
job announcement for the Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness & Visual
Services Director position. This job will be posted from 6/19 through 7/6.
Please feel free to share this announcement and accompanying position

Thank you,

OVR's Mission: To assist Pennsylvanians with disabilities to secure and
maintain employment and independence.

David J. De Notaris | Executive Director Office of Vocational
1521 N. 6th Street | Harrisburg, PA 17102
717.787.6176 (P) | 717.772.1629 (F)
ddenotaris at pa.gov<mailto:ddenotaris at pa.gov>
Labor and Industry Home Page
OVR on Facebook
OVR on LinkedIn
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with
disabilities. Equal Opportunity Employer/Program The information contained
in this email message may be privileged, confidential, and protected from
disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination,
distribution, or copying is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
email message in error, please reply to the sender.
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