[rehab] SPecial Services Librarian job vacancy

Richard Sorey Richard.Sorey at blind.state.ia.us
Wed May 27 16:58:31 UTC 2015

Please distribute the below announcement to anyone you know who might have an interest.

     Iowa Department for the Blind

POSTING DATE:                                                                                 May 26, 2015

JOB TITLE:                                                                                          Services Specialist for the
Blind 2 / Special Services Librarian
JOB CODE:                                                                                         41120 Services Specialist
for the Blind 2
LOCATION:                                                                                        Polk County, Iowa
LOCATION ZIP CODE:                                                                       50309
PART TIME/FULL TIME STATUS:                                         1 Permanent/Full-Time Position
SALARY MINIMUM:                                                                         $41,059
SALARY MAXIMUM:                                                                        $62,379


This is a courtesy posting for a non-merit position. Please follow instructions in the "to Apply" section for directions on how to apply for this position.


Library Cataloging

 *   Perform original (including complex) and copy cataloging of all formats of library materials to facilitate their identification, access and use
 *   Catalog educational and vocational production materials
 *   Search or download MARC records, locate and match records to items needing cataloging, and edit records to conform to locally established standards
 *   Interpret and apply Library of Congress subject headings, the AACR2 and RDA in cataloging and classifying library materials
 *   Perform database maintenance for bibliographic and authority records
 *   Provide completed cataloging of unique Iowa collection items for appropriate union catalogs, such as National Library Service (NLS) Union Catalog
 *   Assist in the development of enhancements associated with MARC, non-MARC metadata schemas and the Library's OPAC

Library Collection Development

 *   Assist in collection maintenance activities including weeding, shifting collections and arrangement of collections
 *   Select materials in Large Print, Print/Braille, Braille and Digital formats for the library collection
 *   Oversee and assist with collection projects of the National Library Service

Collection Production Management

 *   Establish and maintain access to Braille and Audio production content through the integrated library system and catalog
 *   Create needed reports and production tracking information for the library's Instructional Media Center
Outreach and Public Education

 *   Work with Library Director and other staff to develop and implement outreach strategies for the library
 *   Promote the library through speaking engagements, exhibits, workshops and presentations
 *   Develop reading lists for patron services
 *   Work with Library Director and IT staff on website and OPAC use to forward outreach strategies
 *   Provide patrons with general information on library services; assist and instruct patrons in using library services, equipment and facilities
 *   Work at public service desk, as needed

Reference Services

 *   Provide reference and information services to library patrons
 *   Provide information about disabilities and Iowa Department for the Blind to patrons and the general public

It is the policy of the Department for the Blind to conduct background checks on all finalist candidates prior to any offer of employment.

Graduation from an accredited college or university and experience equal to one year of full-time professional or paraprofessional work in human service fields such as: social services; nursing; personnel; vocational rehabilitation; education; psychology; or intangible sales, interviewing, recruiting, and promotion; recreation, public information, volunteer service for public or private organizations, fund raising, or ministry in a recognized faith or denomination

For additional ways to qualify, please click on this link to view the job description<https://das.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/hr/documents/class_and_pay/JobClassDescriptions/ServicesSpecialistfortheBlind2-41120.pdf> and minimum qualifications.
POST CLOSE DATE:   June 10, 2015

Positions in this class are exempt from the screening and referral requirements of the Iowa Department of Administrative Services - Human Resources Enterprise. Applications to DAS-HRE only, will not be considered.

Apply directly to the employing agency, send cover letter and resume by 4:30 p.m the day of post closing to:
Sarah Willeford
Iowa Department for the Blind
524 Fourth Street
Des Moines, IA 50309

Or email Sarah.Willeford at blind.state.ia.us

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