[rehab] Looking for blind and visually impaired participants for a usability study

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Wed Mar 21 20:22:24 UTC 2018

Hi Kay,

I am going to send this out to our National Federation of the Blind jobs
and rehab listservs and pass it around where I work.  I’m sure some people
will reply.

Best wishes,

Dick Davis, Chair
NFB Employment Committee

Everyone else:

Kay’s contact information and company are at the bottom of her email to
me.  Feel free to contact her directly.  They pay.


*From:* Kay Strickland [mailto:kstrickland at applausemail.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 20, 2018 6:00 PM
*To:* ddavis at blindinc.org
*Subject:* Looking for blind and visually impaired participants for a
usability study

Hi Dick,

I work for a company that specializes in software testing.  We are
currently recruiting participants for a paid usability study for one of our
clients. We are specifically looking for individuals who are blind, legally
blind, or vision impaired, and have a background in either developing
computer software or working in a related industry. In addition, they
should be currently using some type of screen-reading software such as JAWS
or NVDA.  The study will be conducted by us and will take 2-3 hours. If you
know of any individuals who could be candidates for, or who you could
recommend to us, please let me know, and I can send further details.

If this email should be directed to someone else, I do apologize.  I would
appreciate it if you could direct me to the correct person.


Kay Strickland


*KAY STRICKLAND *• Community Project Manager • Applause •* sk*: kstrickland
*c:* 662.643.7118

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