[rehab] FW: Mentorship Program

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Wed May 23 20:06:23 UTC 2018

Dear Members of the Jobs and Rehab Listservs and the NFB Employment Committee,

I would appreciate your help with the NABS (National Association of Blind Students) Mentorship Program for the 2018 NFB Convention.  If you would like to be a mentor (or know someone who would be) please follow the link and complete the application.  Katy Olson’s contact information is below if you have any questions for her.

Best wishes, 
Dick Davis, Chair
NFB Employment Committee

From: Kathryn Olsen
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:55 PM
To: ddavis at blindinc.org
Subject: Mentorship Program

Hi Mr. Davis,

It was great talking with you this morning. Below you will find a message that can be sent out to your list serve. Thanks again!

"Hello Fellow Federationists,

My name is Katy Olsen and I am serving as the coordinator of the NABS Mentorship Program for our 2018 NFB National Convention. The goal of this program is to pair both young and new students with a mentor who has been to convention before and who is a good match for the students' interests and/or vocational goals. We are looking for mentors who are passionate about having a positive influence on the lives of our young, future leaders and who would be eager to help students find their place in our organization. We are encouraging mentors of all ages and backgrounds to get involved. If you are interested, please follow the link to the application below. 


 If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. We are really looking forward to the great things this program has in store and we hope that you will decide to be a part of it.

All the best,

Katy Olsen

Coordinator | 2018 NABS Mentorship Program
President | Iowa Association of Blind Students
Board Member | National Federation of the Blind of Iowa

Email: president.iabs at gmail.com
Phone: 515-783-4522"

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