[Rehab] Should totally blind people use lights in their homes?

Angel angel238 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 10 16:46:56 UTC 2022

This question is an old one, going back to, at least the 1950’s.  I say:  An individuals home is truly his castle, and should be treated as such.  If it makes one feel more secure turning on lights  that might never be needed, I say:  Go right ahead and turn them on.  I, however, have them off, and have  so done since my last sighted child left home, in 2012; and, I will tell you this:  It has saved me much money.  If one is security conscious, there are a number of inexpensive one time expenses one can take, now days to secure ones safety without having to use potentially unnecessary electricity each month.  Of course, I unplug all electrical devises, when not in use; to save further unwanted expenses.  Most people don’t go that far just for the sake of economy.  

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