[Riverside-San-Bernardino] Friendly reminder and minutes for Riverside San Bernardino Chapter meeting June 11, 2022.
Paulina Vazquez
paulinav557 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 20:00:47 UTC 2022
Hi Everyone,
I hope all are well. This is a friendly reminder that the Riverside San Bernardino Chapter is having our monthly meeting.When: Saturday June 11, 2022.
Time: 10 AM to 12 PM.
Where: Hybrid via Zoom and in-person.
Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 0734 3678
Passcode: 460130
Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday!! Also, have placed the minutes below. Please review before Saturday!!
Meeting Started at 10:03 AM.
Recited Pledge: Led by Sylvia.
Rollcall: Sylvia, Jordan, Carmen, Kelly, Francina, Paulina, and Barbra.
Guest: Arietta Woods President of Senior Division.
Discussed current board officers of senior division includes Lory Dunlap Vice President.
Secretary Trina Brown.
Treasurer Sheryl Thirston
Kathy Gaten Board member
Carmen Weatherly Board member
Senior division is for
people aged 55 and
older. You must be
a member of the NFB
of California.
Spoke on revamping the senior divisions.
Rachel Grider first vice president conducted a presentation during a meeting in February.
Next Meeting: June 24, 2022, Via Zoom.
Will send the link to Carmen.
Give resources to seniors.
Trying to emphasize blind seniors but can help other seniors.
Share legislative related to California to them as well.
Some legislatives may or may not of interest.
Try to keep them up to date on what is affecting the blind community in addition to the national part of the organization.
Feel comfortable to provide information and resources.
Will be focusing on membership.
Plan to reach out to various centers and chapter meetings.
Want to focus on chapters that have not received from them. Such as river City and San Joaquin.
Will not take place this year due to Pandemic.
Will make themselves available for both northern and southern California.
Meetings occur every other month.
Next meeting will be in June.
Meet six times a year.
Only on Zoom as they are statewide.
Hoping to put together a retreat. Longer-term goals.
Meet at state convention. Have meetings for the senior division.
Secretary’s Report: Motioned to accept the minutes as read. Moved by Jordan second by Sylvia. All agreed.
Treasury Report: 1,967.27.
Only Expenses: Pac plan $5 but will take $10 as they money was not withdrawn.
Total balance as of May 14, 2022: $1,961.27
Moved by Paulina. Second by Sylvia. All agreed.
Old Business:
National Federation of the blind convention. Tuesday July 5, 2022, to July 10, 2022
Marriott hotel headquarters:
Overflow Hotel: Sheraton: 855-516-1090
Singles and doubles: $109 per night.
Need to pay one night.
Need to have a mask.
Online reservations.
For information on convention.
Constitution has been sent out via email.
Keep a copy for your records.
New Business:
State convention.
Will be confirmed as far as dates by next month.
National Convention:
Consider approving a stipend to send someone usually the President to the national convention.
Normally $200.
Motion to approve a $200 stipend to approve for Carmen to go to national convention. Moved by Paulina. Second by Jordan.
All agreed.
Membership Committee:
A chairperson is required. To contact members off the roster to check on members and call to them. To see how they are doing and need to distribute to other members in the committee.
Jordan volunteer to chair the committee.
Carmen Coe-chair of committee.
Can switch members so no two people are calling the same person.
Code of Conduct:
Visit the following address for more:
www.nfb.org (place code of conduct from previous meeting.)
Encourage all members and officers to learn and know the code of conduct to understand how to interact with members. NFB needs to be safe and comfortable environment to the organization.
Read the code of conduct.
Jazzy Social Book Club:
Discussed Tending Roses by Lisa WineGate.
Next Book:
Suggested two books for recommendations.
1. The Mountain between us.
2. What keeps me standing a grandmothers guide to hope and inspiration.
Mountain between us suggested by Sylvia. Discussed the book being about doctor waiting to an airport, a young woman who is a journalist, both canceled were canceled. Doctor charter a plane and invited the woman who he was speaking to If she wished to charter the plane. Due to harsh weather the piolet got sick, and the plane was landed. They are left on top of a high mountain.
Barbra suggested What keeps me standing. Discussed the book about a grandmother speaking about her life. From her perspective. Peace with family, friends, and your elf. What inspired and her life’s journey? Lots of wisdom contained within the book.
Voted and discussed reading the Mountain Between us.
Author: Charles Martin.
DB: 89372
Date: June 3, 2022, 6 PM. Zoom link will be provided.
Book suggestions are welcome!
Presidential release:
No one read or listened to Presidential release.
Can be found on the NFB website.
Also provide a transcript later.
Spanish translated version.
May includes transcripts.
Paulina will confirm.
Double Good Gourmet Popcorn Fundraiser:
Total made: $59 and we received $29.50
Covered Pac plan and other stuff.
Consider future fundraiser options.
State Affiliate Notebook:
If we have any event, we send to Cricket, and she distributes to the state list, and we distribute.
Emails before the end of the month.
If you wish to subscribe to the state list nfbc:
All chapters will place the events in the notebook. So have centralized list of events statewide.
All events can see them at the beginning of the month.
Need to be sent out by the last of week the month.
Will hold off on the notebook will be placing the book in the following month.
Scheduling will be held off for now. Further discussion is needed.
Bell Academy:
Both virtual and in0person.
Summer of 2022.
Contact Deby Worstman.
Pac Plan:
Pac Plan: anyone can
sign up for the pack
plan starting at five
dollars per month.
Visit www.nfb.org
Also, call NFB national office.
NFB Interest Groups:
Interest groups for all the state of California.
Chairperson: Sheryl Thurston
Book Club: Chairperson Ed Davis handle books.
If Barbra wishes to do jewelry, she would be provided her zoom space and time.
Schedule is still in progress.
Scheduling person: Michael Richardson
Also, have other interests cooking, art, and so on.
If you want to do something, you can let them know.
No added information.
Sunshine Committee:
May no birthday.
Open Discussion:
June 18, 2022, if people going to, I Hop at 3 Pm for a social.
Near Galleria.
Will let people know.
Will distribute to list so people are aware.
For easy tracking.
Suggested inviting other from other people.
NFB event June 18, 2022, 3 PM I Hop at the galleria.
Motion to have the NFB event I hop social at Galleria. Moved by Paulina. Second by Barbra. All agreed.
Motion to adjourn. Moved by Carmen. Second by Barbra. All agreed.
Meeting Ended: 11:37 AM.
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