[SC-CSTD] Access Ingenuity: December 2022 Webinars
Steve Cook
cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Sat Nov 19 15:21:20 UTC 2022
Access Ingenuity - Friday, November 18, 2022 at 3:26 PM
December 2022 Webinars
ONYX Family of Magnifiers: Portable & Powerful
(ACVREP CE Approved, Assistive Technology Webinar)
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 10 am to 11 am PT
The ONYX family of video magnifiers combines ease of use with powerful yet portable features to help people retain their independent lifestyle – reading, writing, viewing photographs, and engaging in hobbies. Did you know there are three different ONYX models? The ONYX Deskset and ONYX OCR offer larger screens and can adapt to multiple environments and tasks for productivity at school, work, and home. Modern camera technology and HD displays provide a clear, crisp picture with a wide range of magnification and color-coded controls. The ONYX Pro takes portability to the next level by combining it with the Surface 7 tablet to provide the ultimate tool for mobile magnification and reading tasks. During this webinar, we discuss the features and benefits all the ONYX models can give in specific situations. Join Ian Ramos and Joe McDaniel from Vispero as they dive deep into these powerful tools to help those challenged by vision loss.
Note that everybody is welcome and can benefit from this presentation. If you are a teacher of the visually impaired (TVI), this presentation is approved for ACVREP continuing education credit.
Learning Outcomes
* Features of all ONYX models.
* How to determine which model fits your needs best.
* How adding speech capability can take you further.
* Benefits of portable, powerful visual tools.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Zoom Meeting for ONYX Family of Magnifiers: Portable <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82128860126?pwd=UHBhYXBzTHVGb0tCaktXZVc1anQ0dz09> & Powerful
Meeting ID: 821 2886 0126
Passcode: 792304
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,82128860126#,,,,*792304# US (San Jose)
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Creating Accessible Promotional Materials
(Digital Accessibility Webinar)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022, from 10 am to 11 am PT
As a document author, learn about choosing colors, selecting images, and laying out your brochure, poster, or flyer in an engaging yet accessible way. Join Rachel Reeves in reviewing the most accessible way to create PDF Promotional Material.
Learning Outcomes
* Review color contrast requirements.
* Address mistakes commonly made in the Layout/Reading Order of one-page posters or flyers.
* Understand obstacles commonly encountered if using authoring tools such as Canva or Illustrator.
* Analyze poor templates that have images and fonts that make PDF remediation difficult.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Zoom Meeting for <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86516281737?pwd=NTZDdzRmZUdieFBTWnRiMzFsQVhHdz09> Creating Accessible Promotional Materials
Meeting ID: 865 1628 1737
Passcode: 967492
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,86516281737#,,,,*967492# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
ZoomText, JAWS & Fusion: Latest Features
(Assistive Technology Webinar)
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, from 10 am to 11 am PT
It’s that time again. Not only is it the holidays but also the time when there are important updates for ZoomText, JAWS, and Fusion. Join Ian Ramos and Zhi Huang from Access Ingenuity to explore what’s new in the 2023 updates and some features within the past few years.
Learning Outcomes
* Briefly explain the differences between ZoomText, JAWS, and Fusion.
* Compare the different licenses and how you can find out if you are eligible for the latest updates.
* Explore new 2023 features such as Tethered View, Smart Glance, Notification History improvements, New Tables Only option for Smart Navigation, etc.
* Review recent features, including Docking the Quick Access Bar, Voice Assistant, Sound Splitter, New Vocalizer Expressive Voices and Languages, and more.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Zoom Meeting for <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82799771867?pwd=VVNHeWhjVVVLc1JDUUtSMlllMnlQZz09> ZoomText, JAWS & Fusion: Latest Features
Meeting ID: 827 9977 1867
Passcode: 853407
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,82799771867#,,,,*853407# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Contact the Presenters
If you would like to join our email announcement list for future presentations or have any questions, please use any of the contacts below:
Ian Ramos <mailto:ianr at accessingenuity.com> , ianr at accessingenuity.com <mailto:ianr at accessingenuity.com>
Marisa Church <mailto:marisac at accessingenuity.com> , marisac at accessingenuity.com <mailto:marisac at accessingenuity.com>
Mark Schafer <mailto:marks at accessingenuity.com> , marks at accessingenuity.com <mailto:marks at accessingenuity.com>
Michael Parker <mailto:michaelp at accessingenuity.com> , michaelp at accessingenuity.com <mailto:michaelp at accessingenuity.com>
Rachel Reeves <mailto:rachelr at accessingenuity.com> , rachelr at accessingenuity.com <mailto:rachelr at accessingenuity.com>
Zhi Huang <mailto:zhih at accessingenuity.com> , zhih at accessingenuity.com <mailto:zhih at accessingenuity.com>
Webinar Feedback
Do you have feedback on previous presentations or suggestions for future topics? Please complete our Webinar Feedback <https://forms.gle/tnWJK6SE5vKUdxZFA> Survey.
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