[SC-CSTD] FW: [tech-vi Announce List] From NLS BARD Support: Announcing BARD Mobile for iOS 2.0

Frank Loza floza58 at bellsouth.net
Sat Sep 17 15:59:31 UTC 2022



From: tech-vi at groups.io <tech-vi at groups.io> On Behalf Of David Goldfield
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2022 12:02 AM
To: Tech-VI Announcement List <tech-vi at groups.io>
Subject: [tech-vi Announce List] From NLS BARD Support: Announcing BARD
Mobile for iOS 2.0



From: Library of Congress <loc at service.govdelivery.com
<mailto:loc at service.govdelivery.com> > 



You are subscribed to NLS BARD Support from the Library of Congress.

Announcing BARD Mobile for iOS 2.0

We're excited to tell you that NLS has released version 2.0 of BARD Mobile
for iOS. In this version, the BARD Website option is replaced by a new and
powerful search engine that has the following abilities:

*	Search by keyword, title, author, or annotation.
*	Search for either braille or audio content.
*	Use the Keyword search to search for narrators.
*	Search for items in the Music collection, including music
appreciation and instructional materials as well as music scores.
*	Access all the options available from books in your wish list,
Recently Added Books, etc., such as downloading directly from the search
results page and viewing all the books by the same author or in the same
*	Enter an author's or narrator's name in any format and without
quotation marks and get reliable results. 
*	Enter words from a title without quotation marks and get reliable
*	Enter multiple types of information in a Keyword search, such as
part of a title and an author's last name or a title and narrator's name,
and get reliable results.
*	Change the type of search after you conduct the original search.
*	Sort search results by title, author, or latest (the publication

To conduct a search, choose the Search option at the top of the Get Books
screen, just above Wish List. Keyword is the default search type, and Audio
is the default format. Change these settings if you like, type or dictate
search terms in the search field, and choose Go or Search. To change the
format or type of search from the Search Results page, select the search
field at the top; all the options on the original search page are now
available. To sort the search results, choose Title, Author, or Latest. To
access options such as Download and viewing other books by the same author
with VoiceOver, touch the title of interest, flick up or down to the desired
choice, and double-tap. If you don't use VoiceOver, select the More info
button to the right of the title, and then choose either Download, Add to
Wish List, or More Actions.

Additionally, Version 2.0 fixes problems with:

*	Rewind controls skipping further than intended.
*	Side loading books.
*	Downloading and reading non-ASCII foreign language book titles.

The update should be available by Friday, September 23rd. We hope you enjoy


The BARD Support Team

Send comments, questions, or concerns to  <mailto:NLSDownload at loc.gov>
NLSDownload at loc.gov
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Library of Congress . 101 Independence Ave, SE . Washington, DC 20540 .




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