[SC-CSTD] Monday's schedule

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Mon Feb 6 11:11:23 UTC 2023

I have attended some of the technology webinars ACB has put on the in past
and I am sure their have been some ACB members attend our technology
webinars. I am sharing this if others wish to attend! 


Happy Monday Y’all!

Read to the end of this email for information on educational scholarships
available from Council of Citizens with Low Vision International.

May this be a magical Monday for you in our ACB Community!


Monday, February 6, 2023


ACB Presents The Daily Schedule: 9am ET, 6am PT, 4am HT

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the
daily schedule; and sharing time.

 <http://www.acbmedia.org/5> Listen on ACB Media 5

Say to your Amazon device, “ask ACB Media to play 5.”

kfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-573869> Join in Clubhouse

Join the call:

 <https://acb-org.zoom.us/j/82736819242> ACB Presents the Daily Schedule

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,82736819242#

Phone: +13126266799

Webinar ID: 827 3681 9242


A Message of Love: 10am ET, 7am PT, 5am HT

Join DJ for a word of motivation, inspiration, edification, and
encouragement for the soul.

kfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-573878> Join in Clubhouse

Join the call:

A Message of Love

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,81129513752#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 811 2951 3752

Passcode: 657144


Manic Monday: 11am ET, 8am PT, 6am HT

Join Judy to get ready for the week ahead with your favorite morning

Join the call:

Manic Monday

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,87608122562#

Phone: 3126266799

Meeting ID: 876 0812 2562

Passcode: 3146


Scriptural Rosary: 11am ET, 8am PT, 6am HT

Join Mary Haupt in praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. We will use
the book entitled The Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St.
Teresa of Avila, written by Dan Burke and Connie Rossini (Catalog No. B1759
from the Xavier Society for the Blind).

Join the call:

Scriptural Rosary

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,86974056370#,,,,*3212#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 869 7405 6370

Passcode: 3212


Understanding Shortcuts on Apple Devices: 1pm ET, 10am PT, 8am HT

Join Darcy as we continue exploring Shortcuts for Apple devices.

 <http://www.acbmedia.org/5> Listen on ACB Media 5

Say to your Amazon device, “ask ACB Media to play 5.”

kfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-573882> Join in Clubhouse

Join the call:

Understanding Shortcuts on Apple Devices

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,88933105313#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 889 3310 5313

Passcode: 7160


JC’s Corner – Random Sounds: 2pm ET, 11am PT, 9am HT

Join JC and your community friends as we share stories on random sounds.

kfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-573886> Join in Clubhouse

Join the call:

JC's Corner

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89690586234#

Phone: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 896 9058 6234

Passcode: 582528


The Jewish Hour: 3pm ET, 12pm PT, 10am HT

We will be discussing new year of the trees, a minor holiday.

 <mailto:jewishhour%2Bsubscribe at groups.io> Subscribe to Jewish Hour email

kfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-573889> Join in Clubhouse

Join the call:

The Jewish Hour

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,86028646345#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 860 2864 6345

Passcode: 8593


Easy Chair Yoga: 4pm ET, 1pm PT, 11am HT

All you need is a chair; some comfortable clothes; and no shoes to enjoy a
relaxing and stress-free hour of yoga. Join Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobic
Instructor and Personal Trainer.

Brought to you by the  <http://www.acb.org/GUGM> ACB Get Up and Get moving

Join the call:

Easy Chair Yoga

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,85109457871#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 851 0945 7871

Passcode: 862223


Sports Roundtable: 5pm ET, 2pm PT, 12am HT

Join the Sports Spelunkers as we highlight the wonderful, wide, and wacky
world of (primarily) US team sports.

Join the call:

Sports Roundtable

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,84410928107#,,,,,,0#,,143432#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 844 1092 8107 

Passcode: 143432


The Friendship Circle: 6pm ET, 3pm PT, 1pm HT

Take your connection to the next level! Participate in smaller gatherings of
three to six people in breakout rooms. We call them friendship circles and
will do them as many times as we can in one hour. If time permits at the
end, we will share with the larger group. Note: Everyone must identify
themselves to participate.

Join the call:

The Friendship Circle

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,81905248568#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 819 0524 8568

Passcode: 6972


You, Your Family, and Your DNA: 7pm ET, 4pm PT, 2pm HT

Have you ever wondered where you come from? Were you adopted? Would you like
to learn more about your family? We will share tips and tricks for putting a
family tree together and talk about DNA. We will also share stories we have
learned about our heritage and ancestors. Do’s and don’t’s and the dynamics
of contacting family will also be discussed. Join Pastor Bill for stories,
research, and your questions. All are welcome. Let’s learn from each other
as we unlock unsolved family mysteries and celebrate the wonderful gift of
family heritage.

kfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-573894> Join in Clubhouse

Join the call:

You, Your Family, and Your DNA

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,82736541207#,,,,*9420#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 827 3654 1207

Passcode: 9420


Cancer Support Group: 7:30pm ET, 4:30pm PT, 2:30pm HT

Whether in remission; recently diagnosed; or somewhere in between, you do
not have to deal with cancer alone. Come care for and support each other
through sharing.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a
therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and
does not purport to provide mental health services.

Join the call:

Cancer Support Group

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,82914744620#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 829 1474 4620

Passcode: 693497


Circuit Training Exercise Class: 7:30pm ET, 4:30pm PT, 2:30pm HT

This circuit exercise class will be a steady moderate pace of stations
including cardio, weights, resistance bands, and the floor. We will be
moving from weights and resistance exercises to cardio frequently within a
10-minute interval to get your heart rate up. Join Leslie Spoone for this
fun way to work your body with interval training.

Brought to you by the  <http://www.acb.org/GUGM> ACB Get Up and Get Moving

Join the call:

Circuit Training Exercise Class

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,84647798770#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 846 4779 8770

Passcode: 582528


Spanish 101: 7:30pm ET, 4:30pm PT, 2:30pm HT

This week, review the alphabet; conjugation of the verbs aprender and
revisar; review of days of the week; months of the year; and numbers.
Because we have many new participants since the call's inception, this will
be learning for some and a good review for others. Advanced conversation
will incorporate all of the aforementioned subjects. The event is conducted
primarily in English with Spanish being spoken as participants desire. An
engaging and fun time where all are welcome.

Sponsored by Multicultural Affairs Committee Hispanic Affairs Subcommittee

kfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-573898> Join in Clubhouse

Join the call:

Spanish 101

One tap mobile: +13017158592,,84457568896#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 844 5756 8896

Passcode: 454653


Monday Low Vision Discussion: 8pm ET, 5pm PT, 3pm HT

CCLVI invites you to come learn about all of the classes and seminars Hadley
has to offer from the comfort of your own home.

Sponsored by Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

Join the call:

Monday Low Vision Discussion

One tap mobile +13126266799,,85102597284#,,,,*225846#

Phone: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 851 0259 7284

Passcode: 225846


Book Chat: 9pm ET, 6pm PT, 4pm HT

Discuss The measure: a novel by Nikki Erlick and Julia Whelan (DB109475).

Join the call:

Book Chat

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,86492094578#,,253425#

Phone: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 864 9209 4578

Passcode: 253425


Serenity: 10pm ET, 7pm PT, 5pm HT

Cheryl’s back to start your week with peace and serenity. Grant us the
serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things
we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Join the call:


One tap mobile: +13126266799,,81452731718#,,,,*958764#

Phone: +13126266799

Meeting ID: 814 5273 1718

Passcode: 958764 


Tomorrow’s sneak peek:

ACB Presents The Daily Schedule: 9am ET, 6am PT, 4am HT

Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit: 10am ET, 7am PT, 5am HT

Herbie’s Cooking Corner: 10am ET, 7am PT, 5am HT

Neighborhood Coffee Klatch: 11am ET, 8am PT, 6am HT

Unmute Presents: 1pm ET, 10am PT, 8am HT

Abacus Made Simple: 2pm ET, 11am PT, 9am HT

Helpful Hints on Using Homophones: 3pm ET, 12pm PT, 10am HT

The Ins and Outs of Sight Loss Later in Life: 4pm ET, 1pm PT, 11am HT

Lively Latin: 4pm ET, 1pm PT, 11am HT

Resistance 101: 4pm ET, 1pm PT, 11am HT

Braille Room: 6pm ET, 3pm PT, 1pm HT

Sierra’s Social Hour: 7pm ET, 4pm PT, 2pm HT

Tuesday Topics: 7pm ET, 4pm PT, 2pm HT

What in the World is Going on with Twitter: 8pm ET, 5pm PT, 3pm HT

Conversational French: 9pm ET, 6pm PT, 4pm HT

The She Shed: 9pm ET, 6pm PT, 4pm HT

The Chat Café with Teresa and Company: 10pm ET, 7pm PT, 5pm HT


FRED Scheigert Scholarship Announcement from CCLVI

The Fred Scheigert Scholarship Program awards  four (4) students an
individual prize of $3,000. This competitive scholarship is available to

college students with low vision, chosen from among those who meet the
visual acuity and academic guidelines.

The scholarship guidelines, and on-line application forms are available at 


The application must be completed online Be prepared to attach supporting
documents to be included with your application submission.

Completed applications and supporting documents must be received by 11:59 PM
on March  15, 2023.  

Council of Citizens with Low Vision International


Cindy Hollis

Manager of Membership Engagement

American Council of the Blind

 <mailto:chollis at acb.org> chollis at acb.org


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<mailto:acb-community-events+subscribe at acblists.org> 

 <https://acb.org/community-event-expectations> Read expectations for
participating in ACB Community events

Access community podcasts <http://acb-community.pinecast.co/> 

Join our ACB Community Facebook group

Access the Community Support Committee

Join the ACB Club on Clubhouse <http://www.clubhouse.com/club/acb> 

Learn more about becoming a member or friend of ACB

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