[SC-CSTD] FW: eye.t Weekly: Spellcheck on Microsoft Office

Frank Loza floza58 at bellsouth.net
Tue Jan 24 19:49:59 UTC 2023



From: eye.t <info at eyetvision.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 10:32 AM
To: floza58 at bellsouth.net
Subject: eye.t Weekly: Spellcheck on Microsoft Office


Everything you need to know about spellcheck!






Welcome to our weekly newsletter for this week of 1/24/23, where we'll put you in the know of anything eye.t!


This week's edition includes:

*     Screen Reader Tidbits: Changing Font Styles and Size on Microsoft Office

*     Upcoming Events: Maryland Regional Braille Challenge, Texas AER, MSB Workshop




Microsoft Office: Spellcheck


This week, we are tackling a skill that most people know how to start, but not many know how to finish...spellcheck in Microsoft Office.


Now, there are some caveats before we start. First, remember that this skill works for both JAWS and NVDA. Second, you’ll notice that the spellcheck in your version of Office may look slightly different than the version we describe.


Don’t panic.


I promise, you’ll still be able to follow along.


Step 1: Open the Editor Pane

This is an easy one. It’s just one key command.


Open the Editor Pane: F7


Note that on some keyboards you need to hold down the "Function key" to use F1-F12. The function key is usually in the bottom left corner between Control and Windows and is naked by "Fn".


Step 2: Tab to Navigate

Now I know this is a bit vague, but what you are actually "Tabbing to" will depend on what version of Office you are working on. In older versions of Office, you are magically transported right into the first spelling or grammar mistake, but in newer versions, you may have to tab to "spelling" as seen in the screenshot below.




Now, because of the variability on this one, that is all the instruction I’m going to give you on this one. Again, don’t panic. View this as an opportunity to practice your problem solving and navigation skills.


But, that being said, I will give you three reminders that may help navigate this "editor pane" and ensure you have a successful spell check.

1.  F7 to jump to the editor pane. 

2.  Tab to the thing that "makes the most sense". 

3.  Escape to jump back to your document at any time. 


To see a real walkthrough of Office in Windows 11, take a look at our Tech Tip Tuesday video using the button below and we will see you next week, right here in your inbox for your eye.t Weekly.


- Cody




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Maryland Regional Braille Challenge

The 2023 Maryland Regional Braille Challenge is a competitive reading and writing competition at the Maryland School for the Blind! Braille Challenge is the only academic competition of its kind held in January through March each year for students who are blind or visually impaired. Braille Institute developed Braille Challenge to motivate students to practice and hone their braille literacy skills, which are essential to academic and employment success.


At this event, we'll have our own booth and informative session where you can stop by and learn more, or just say hello!


WHEN: Saturday, February 4th 2023

WHERE: Maryland School for the Blind


Texas AER

If you are a vision professional in Texas, Check us out at Texas AER! March 23-25th. Come to our Pre-Conference Session on Wednesday 'JAWS, NVDA and Chromevox: Changing the way we teach' or stop by our booth! We'll be giving away tons of free prizes! We'll see you there! 


Early bird registration ends February 28.


WHEN: March 23-25 2023

WHERE: Denton, Texas


MSB Workshop


This full-day in-person workshop will teach professionals in the field of blindness basic screen reader skills needed to read, write, and edit text; navigate the internet and how to approach users who are resistant to screen reader instruction. The workshop is free to attend and attendees will be entered to win one of 6 licenses of The Screen Reader Curriculum Part 1: Working with Text! 


In addition, all participants will be eligible for a $100 coupon on eye.t’s website.


WHEN: Saturday, March 4th 2023 (9 AM - 3 PM)

WHERE: Maryland School for the Blind


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 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YWEWnjc1LJH4aLJ0UiPCVLCrpv-NSEVv4ZuzeacuUHNpR1zaqFybGeyYkyA2KVni2PaIZYgKbnOKaJc9lF_PmYTwpFw3GIgGxKpcWe_eFa1oCmfnWLDclH245OD1U3BoeVadHfF0urRrk22ogueJYUbC1D64rD4rHN0TMoKnnW_Ktp1kGrscO3OiB-KJN9hF6Xu8QdQtDtZCG73KtVOd5SZwYhCdnhQiE6IkIhoLKejMSIiZCIl0ClSVYHXs57Ko&c=n4K94KANRVSk0DMS4dTGabyvs2OATS71EPXt9SDWliUq2mBBGmAWww==&ch=bEktSqGgENqPpLJtE5Oe3hpXs9MimmgiBHWP4SgsyqUXhIGZGI3uUw==> Click here to learn more information! 




The Screen Reader Curriculum






Part 1: Working With Text


*     Instructor Edition only

*     Reading, writing, and editing text

*     80+ instructional videos

*     Practice Activities: Through the Magnifying Glass and Julia's Journal




Part 2: Basic Internet Navigation


*     Both an Instructor and Student edition

*     3 method of Internet Navigation

*     70+ instructional videos

*     Practice Activities: Mock websites and Navigation Candyland




 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YWEWnjc1LJH4aLJ0UiPCVLCrpv-NSEVv4ZuzeacuUHNpR1zaqFybGYJaIbBmR5V9HygtC550TLSYiO_WYng07cHu9FKenZNr1kcvVKU7uTEh--a4Wdmg0wMN038ppXQFFstFlyiWZU7toomYPAhvEg==&c=n4K94KANRVSk0DMS4dTGabyvs2OATS71EPXt9SDWliUq2mBBGmAWww==&ch=bEktSqGgENqPpLJtE5Oe3hpXs9MimmgiBHWP4SgsyqUXhIGZGI3uUw==> Click here to learn more about our courses! 




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