[SC-CSTD] FW: Webinar Wednesday! Creating Accessible PDF Fillable Forms

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Jan 31 00:11:33 UTC 2023



Steve Cook

If you would like to join the Computer Science & Technology Division for the NFB of SC list serve, please send a message to SC-cstd-subscribe at nfbnet.org <mailto:SC-cstd-subscribe at nfbnet.org> 


National Association of Guide Dog Users Board Member

President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

1st Vice President of the Columbia chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

1st Vice President of the SC Association of Guide Dog Users Division


From: Access Ingenuity <dylans at accessingenuity.com> 
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2023 1:31 PM
To: Steve Cook <cookcafe at sc.rr.com>
Subject: Webinar Wednesday! Creating Accessible PDF Fillable Forms


 <https://mailchi.mp/a1ca784fc139/winter-newsletter-20193828?e=753942d417> View this email in your browser




Upcoming Access Ingenuity Webinars


Please join us for our Wednesday Webinars! We alternate our topics between Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technology.

*	February 1, 2023 - Creating Accessible PDF Fillable Forms (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
*	February 8, 2023 - Grammar and Spell Check with Microsoft Office & JAWS (Assistive Technology Webinar)
*	February 15, 2023 - How Do Accessible Overlays Impact Assistive Technology? (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
*	February 22, 2023 - RUBY Handheld Magnifiers: A Vision Solution for Every Situation (ACVREP CE Approved, Assistive Technology Webinar)



Creating Accessible PDF Fillable Forms
(Digital Accessibility Webinar)


Wednesday, February 1, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am PT

We explore the different types of forms available in Acrobat, discuss best practices in formatting forms with accessibility in mind, and review the tag structure for fillable forms in PDF remediation to make them accessible for users. Join Rachel Reeves from Access Ingenuity for the basics of form creation in Acrobat Pro.


Learning Outcomes

*	Briefly review the best way to format MS Word documents to be converted to PDF Fillable Forms.
*	Discuss best practices for setting up form fields in your document.
*	Showcase the form types available in Acrobat Pro and the settings needed for accessibility.
*	Demonstrate how to tag form fields to make them accessible in your PDF.


Join Zoom Meeting:


Creating Accessible PDF Fillable Forms <https://accessingenuity.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d8bcff9944c5f4b5a9e93512a&id=2f1f64f570&e=753942d417> 
Meeting ID: 841 3648 1893
Passcode: 377005
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,84136481893#,,,,*377005# US (San Jose)
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)




Grammar and Spell Check with Microsoft Office & JAWS
(Assistive Technology Webinar)


Wednesday, February 8, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am PT

There are different ways to check spelling and grammar when working with Microsoft Office and the JAWS screen reader. Depending on the version of Office, you have either the Spell Checker or Editor feature. JAWS also has quick keys to scan for spelling and grammatical errors. Join Zhi Huang, Marisa Church, and Rachel Reeves from Access Ingenuity to explore the different ways to check for spelling and grammatical mistakes in Word documents and Outlook emails while working with JAWS.


Learning Outcomes

*	Explore the differences between the older Office spell checker and the newer editor features of Office.
*	Discover tips on working with either the Spell Checker or Editor with JAWS.
*	Introduce how to scan for spelling and grammatical errors with JAWS using keyboard and dictation commands with the Smart Assistant.


Join Zoom Meeting:


Grammar and Spell Check with Microsoft Office  <https://accessingenuity.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d8bcff9944c5f4b5a9e93512a&id=d1533c9971&e=753942d417> & JAWS
Meeting ID: 832 3315 0235
Passcode: 562270
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,83233150235#,,,,*562270# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)




How Do Accessibility Overlays Impact Assistive Technology?
(Digital Accessibility Webinar)


Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am PT

Accessibility Overlays from companies like accessiBe, UserWay, and others seem like a quick fix to help you achieve WCAG compliance. However, have you ever wondered how they impact assistive technology users? Join Michael Parker and Zhi Huang from Access Ingenuity as they demonstrate the impact of accessibility overlays on screen readers and other assistive technology users and explain why developing accessible websites is a much better approach than implementing accessibility overlays.


Learning Outcomes

*	Learn the impact of accessibility overlays on screen reader users.
*	Understand the difference between designing an accessible website and using an accessibility overlay. 
*	Learn how to disable accessibility overlays. 


Join Zoom Meeting:


How Do Accessible Overlays Impact Assistive Technology? <https://accessingenuity.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d8bcff9944c5f4b5a9e93512a&id=f23f19fbd2&e=753942d417> 
Meeting ID: 862 3015 4256
Passcode: 271210
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,86230154256#,,,,*271210# US
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)




RUBY Handheld Magnifiers: A Vision Solution for Every Situation
(ACVREP CE Approved, Assistive Technology Webinar)


Wednesday, February 22, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am PT

Did you know there are five RUBY models to help with your low vision needs? RUBY handheld video magnifiers provide the help that many people with low vision need to read a text and see details. All RUBY models have a crisp, sharp image, high-contrast modes, and built-in LEDs. The streamlined design means RUBY can go with you anywhere, giving you easy access to photos, letters, prescriptions, packaging labels, and menus, even in a dark restaurant. With its broad range of adjustable, undistorted magnification, a RUBY video magnifier outperforms a drawerful of traditional magnifiers. Join Ian Ramos from Access Ingenuity with Joe McDaniel from Vispero to discuss the features and benefits of all the RUBY models and the assistance each can give in specific situations. Note that everybody is welcome and can benefit from this presentation. If you are a teacher of the visually impaired (TVI), this presentation is approved for ACVREP continuing education credit.


Learning Outcomes

*	Features of all RUBY models.
*	How to determine the right size for you.
*	How adding speech capability can take you further.


Join Zoom Meeting:


RUBY Handheld Magnifiers: A Vision Solution for Every Situation <https://accessingenuity.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d8bcff9944c5f4b5a9e93512a&id=40a8e1aee9&e=753942d417> 
Meeting ID: 858 1556 3463
Passcode: 691785
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,85815563463#,,,,*691785# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)




Contact the Presenters


Ian Ramos <mailto:ianr at accessingenuity.com>  (ianr at accessingenuity.com)
Marisa Church <mailto:marisac at accessingenuity.com>  (marisac at accessingenuity.com)
Mark Schafer <mailto:marks at accessingenuity.com>  (marks at accessingenuity.com)
Michael Parker <mailto:michaelp at accessingenuity.com>  (michaelp at accessingenuity.com)
Rachel Reeves <mailto:rachelr at accessingenuity.com>  (rachelr at accessingenuity.com)
Zhi Huang <mailto:zhih at accessingenuity.com>  (zhih at accessingenuity.com) 




Webinar Feedback


Do you have feedback on previous presentations or suggestions for future topics? Complete our Webinar Feedback <https://accessingenuity.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d8bcff9944c5f4b5a9e93512a&id=24da6c5de0&e=753942d417>  Survey. 




Sign Up for Webinar Reminders


Do you know someone interested in an upcoming webinar? Invite them to Subscribe to our Webinars <https://accessingenuity.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d8bcff9944c5f4b5a9e93512a&id=c285d102a5&e=753942d417>  to receive updates. 






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Access Ingenuity · 4751 Hoen Avenue · Santa Rosa, CA 95405 · USA 


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