[SC-CSTD] Thursday's Schedule
Steve Cook
cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Thu Mar 30 10:03:09 UTC 2023
Taking place today 3/30/2023
Vispero Presentation – Creating, Editing, and Reading Tables in Word with JAWS: 3pm ET, 12pm PT, 9am HT
Learn how to create a table in Word with JAWS; use reading commands to locate information; and edit a table. We’ll also provide important JAWS Quick Settings for working with tables.
Sponsored by Vispero <https://www.freedomscientific.com/>
Listen on ACB Media 5 <http://www.acbmedia.org/5>
Say to your Amazon device, “ask ACB Media to play 5.”
Join in Clubhouse <https://www.clubhouse.com/event/MdAReKBq?utm_medium=ch_event&utm_campaign=kkfdqoZtTwqyp7nuMjDeTQ-632883>
Join the call:
Vispero <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88275409010?pwd=dlZ1VFozQWlEcHZtSXBBZ25EQzRZdz09>
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,88275409010#
Phone: 312-626-6799
Webinar ID: 882 7540 9010
Let’s Talk Mac: 5pm ET, 2pm PT, 11am HT
This is where we discuss all aspects of the Mac and what it can do.
This time, Chanelle Allen will talk about and demonstrate the Num Pad Commander for Mac.
<http://www.acbmedia.org/5> Listen on ACB Media 5
Say to your Amazon device, “ask ACB Media to play 5.”
<https://www.clubhouse.com/event/xBlwlb27?utm_medium=ch_event&utm_campaign=O_dwMWp5d8xkAExnrKfFiA-626978> Join in Clubhouse
Join the call:
<https://acb-org.zoom.us/j/86427797871?pwd=RTByUlAxcUl5RzRZdm9CZy9makJXUT09> Let's Talk Mac
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,86427797871#
Phone: +13126266799
Meeting ID: 864 2779 7871
Passcode: 7639
ACB Crafters – Needle Knitting: 6pm ET, 3pm PT, 12pm HT
Whether you’re new or are an advanced needle knitter, join us for a knit-along project and sharing of resources. We can have fun while learning from each other.
Sponsored by ACB Crafters, making crafting accessible
<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-gUV05N1rOc43mrjigFZrwle0H5ElBa5-fLiD39hW7Y/edit> Access Crafters notes
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/acbcrafters> Join the ACB Crafters Facebook group
<mailto:acb-crafters+subscribe at acblists.org> Subscribe to the ACB Crafters Email list
<mailto:acbcrafters at gmail.com> Email ACB Crafters
Join the call:
<https://acb-org.zoom.us/j/88195906486?pwd=aXdtUmw0cFJhRFEyT3dPSnhQeHI0UT09> ACB Crafters
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,88195906486#
Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 881 9590 6486
Passcode: 917964
Christian Book Chat: 6pm ET, 3pm PT, 12pm HT
This week we will read the last entry in section two. Then, we will read the introduction and four items in section three of Come before winter-- and share my hope by Charles r swindall DB25426
Join the call:
Christian Book Chat <https://acb-org.zoom.us/j/88503291375?pwd=OUllVjNVMllqUzJXSlQrY0wrNitmZz09>
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,88503291375#
Phone: +13126266799
Meeting ID: 885 0329 1375
Passcode: 582528
Accessible Pharmacy Services For the Blind - the path to Medication and Health Management: 7pm ET, 4pm PT, 1pm HT
Meet Andrew Burstein and Alex Cohen, Co Founders of Accessible Pharmacy. Hear the story and have your Medication management questions answered.
Sponsored by
Accessible Pharmacy Services for the Blind <http://www.accessiblepharmacy.com>
Listen on ACB Media 5 <http://www.acbmedia.org/5>
Say to your Amazon device, “ask ACB Media to play 5.”
Join in Clubhouse <https://www.clubhouse.com/event/xBlwlb27?utm_medium=ch_event&utm_campaign=O_dwMWp5d8xkAExnrKfFiA-626978>
Join the call:
Accessible Pharmacy Services For the Blind <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82653319201?pwd=SVRBRTRTdmIxOTVrQnY3eG5NWjJLQT09>
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,82653319201#,,,,*557847#
Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 826 5331 9201
Passcode: 557847
12-Step Recovery Meeting: 8pm ET, 5pm PT, 2pm HT
For anyone needing the support of a 12-step meeting designed to reflect the unique perspectives of those who are blind or visually impaired.
Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.
Join the call:
12-Step Recovery Meeting <https://acb-org.zoom.us/j/84541235635?pwd=U0YxS0hxVUlacEdidlJzbkp1NW9UQT09>
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,84541235635#
Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 845 4123 5635
Passcode: 582528
Table Talk Thursday: 8pm ET, 5pm PT, 2pm HT
Please join us for an hour with Leslie Spoone, as we learn how to get up and get moving!
Sponsored by
Council of Citizens with Low Vision <https://cclvi.org/> International
Join the call:
<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82602702438?pwd=L29qalpSZ0JUOEx0U1NuRmtmYkF3UT09> Table Talk Thursday
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,82602702438#,,,,*225848#
Phone: +13126266799
Meeting ID: 826 0270 2438
Passcode: 225848
Grade 3 Braille: 9pm ET, 6pm PT, 3pm HT
Challenge your braille skills by embarking on a form of shorthand that you can use for everyday note taking and personal writing. We will discuss one lesson per week and build upon our progress.
Sponsored by Braille Revival League <http://www.braillerevivalleague.org>
Join the call:
Grade 3 Braille <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83040215661?pwd=bXdtVW5acUN4WVZIWnRxVkxFNk5tUT09>
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,83040215661#
Phone: 312-626-6799
Webinar ID: 830 4021 5661
Passcode: 4282
Thursday Nightcap: 9pm ET, 6pm PT, 3pm HT
After a long hard day, why not bring your favorite beverage or snack and join Diane for some lively conversation, sometimes in small groups.
Join the call:
<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87957689164?pwd=STFtb2JEWmxuakpvWjh3cnlKQVlBdz09> Thursday Nightcap
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,87957689164#
Phone: +13126266799
Meeting ID: 879 5768 9164
Passcode: 065499
Friday’s Sneak Peek
ACB Presents The Daily Schedule: 9am ET, 6am PT, 3am HT
Desi’s Friday Morning Diner: 11am ET, 8am PT, 5am HT
Low Vision Coffee Hour: 11am ET, 8am PT, 5am HT
Scriptural Rosary – Stations of the Cross: 11am ET, 8am PT, 5am HT
Crafty Chat - The Art of Paper Folding : 12pm ET, 9am PT, 6am HT
Happy Hour Cardio: 3:30pm ET, 12:30pm PT, 9:30am HT
Blindness and More: 4pm ET, 1pm PT, 10am HT
In Perspective: 5pm ET, 2pm PT, 11am HT
VISAbilities - 2023 Resolutions and Voting: 7pm ET, 4pm PT, 1pm HT
It’s Play Time: 9pm ET, 6pm PT, 3pm HT
Mark Your Calendars and Join the Arizona Council of the Blind in the Virtual Desert for Our 2023 Annual Conference
We are excited to invite you, your friends, family and colleagues to join us for the 2023 AzCB Annual Conference, taking place virtually Friday, April 14 and Saturday, April 15.
This year’s theme is “Care, Connect and Create,” and each of our sessions and speakers will focus on how we can come together to offer friendship and support within our local chapters, through our state organization and through our national parent organization, the American Council of the Blind.
This year, there is no charge to attend our event, but if you wish to participate through Zoom, you must
<http://www.azcb.org/convention> register
by 5pm, Thursday, April 13th and the Zoom information will be emailed to you that night or Friday morning.
Warm regards,
Belinda Collins
ACB Community
belgcollins at gmail.com <mailto:belgcollins at gmail.com>
Learn more about ACB <http://www.acb.org/>
Follow us on Twitter <https://twitter.com/acbnational>
Friend us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/AmericanCounciloftheBlindOfficial/>
Subscribe to our Youtube channel <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI_nLwS9Cw2Bm1IA4qIBw3Q>
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