[SC-CSTD] FW: eye.t Weekly: The Three Parts of Accessibility

Frank Loza floza58 at bellsouth.net
Tue May 16 17:49:34 UTC 2023



From: eye.t <info at eyetvision.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:23 AM
To: floza58 at bellsouth.net
Subject: eye.t Weekly: The Three Parts of Accessibility


Everything you need to know about the Three Parts of Accessibility!






Welcome to our weekly newsletter for this week of 5/16/23, where we'll put you in the know of anything eye.t!


On May 18, we celebrate  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001eRcnylTxlepMHT5JeHDwKY8gJGrUOm8XfosEt1SAZcolpOZrRVy9WI5CiO7O5HQGXq9439p7ejkxlnTy0qFxfYB9bNBIXna0M21aOtMNJKRoboYySQSso5VFH7IWNX_WtNK3PJFNE9yjQtLb8c-LOQ==&c=E4AaJzS2a6rFJ4TcpIKkiVMaRX997FDyMtxK-PAn21EXF2qSNOE8HQ==&ch=ogCan6mTrAE4Cc66gpkPmUU7ZI1XaJezRHburbH7xhBIlsccrQw45A==> Global Accessibility Awareness Day or GAAD. This day is an amazing way to “get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion”. 


For this reason, in the month of May, we are not focused on bringing you content on screen reader skills, but rather content that helps you and those you work with to make digital content accessible to our learners. Here is our schedule of things coming up in May:

*     This Week: Adding Alt Text in Powerpoint


If these are things that you are interested in, make sure you are subscribed to our email list, and if you have a colleague or friend with these interests, forward them this email and make sure they sign up!







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Introducing our NEW Summer Cohort!


We are proud to announce our very first Summer Cohort for vision professionals providing screen reader instruction! You'll receive:

*     Four hours of valuable instruction

*     All-Access Subscription for one year of our Screen Reader Curriculum

*     4 self-calculating data sheets

*     An internal group community that can be used as a resource

*     And so much more!


Watch the video by clicking the button to your left and see for yourself what our cohort is all about!


Click the link below to learn more and register and secure your spot for this cohort!




 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001eRcnylTxlepMHT5JeHDwKY8gJGrUOm8XfosEt1SAZcolpOZrRVy9WH1zgQkSgnxLNPY_uXKMyLNbFktKkiGP5TxQgMfU_NtfDRXvV3TaBv8MDFmQIn5g2LtxJjocrJicZvIGdD2D55IXG4XrbJuDOg==&c=E4AaJzS2a6rFJ4TcpIKkiVMaRX997FDyMtxK-PAn21EXF2qSNOE8HQ==&ch=ogCan6mTrAE4Cc66gpkPmUU7ZI1XaJezRHburbH7xhBIlsccrQw45A==> Click here to learn more and register! 




Three Parts of Accessibility 


May 18th, this Thursday, is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), a day in which we advocate for products and content to be “accessible” or rather to meet certain accessibility standards. On Thursday, it will be important to take up that fight. It is an important one. But, I also want to take the time to ask, what role do WE as professionals have in accessibility?


In the world of blindness and low vision, accessibility is a hot topic, as it should be. But, we talk as if accessibility is a feature. One that a product or piece of content either has, or does not have. We casually label websites, or apps as being either accessible or inaccessible.


On the surface, there might seem to be nothing wrong with this, but I’d like to offer a different perspective. 


To me, as a teacher, and as a content creator, I see this as only part of the story. A video may be deemed accessible to a Deaf user if it has captions, but what if that user struggles to read in the traditional way?


The point? We need to redefine what accessibility is, and for our students with visual impairments in an online world there has never been a better time to talk about accessibility not as a feature, but as a relationship between the content and the user. Now that relationship has more than just one part, it has three.


Part 1: The Content

The actual website, app or product. This is usually the only piece of accessibility we talk about. It is important that content creators do create materials that are accessible to many people, but the question to ask is, Is a piece of content that meets accessibility standards accessible to everyone? My answer, “No”. That is an impossible request. Why? Because accessibility is an individual experience. There is certainly no stairwell in the world that is accessible to a typically developing one-year-old human, just like there is no website in the world that is accessible to someone without internet access. Accessibility depends on more than just the content.


Part 2: The Tool

Have you ever tried putting a nail into a wall with your bare hands? I cannot say that I have had the pleasure. It is a simple fact that accessibility depends also on the quality and nature of the tools you are using. For example, if you were struggling to access an excel spreadsheet on your iPhone, would you throw up your hands and declare




Microsoft Excel to be an utterly inaccessible program that nobody should ever use? No, you would simply concede that a computer is probably a better tool for the job.


In the field of blindness, when we encounter an inaccessible situation before deeming the content inaccessible, we might begin to ask ourselves, is it the content, or is it the tool? Some tools are just not meant for some tasks. That is a fact of life. 


Part 3 - The User

Accessibility is individual experience. Hypothetically, If you did not know how to use a computer,then every single website (no matter how many accessibility standards they meet) will be inaccessible.. To you. Accessibility not only depends on the content, and the tool being used to access that content, but it also depends on the skills of the user. 


In our field we (myself included) often throw up our hands in defeat as we exclaim “Ugh this website or app or product is inaccessible!” And you know what? Sometimes, we are right, the content is inaccessible, but if we say that without first considering if our learners are using the right tools and if they have the right skills to access this particular website or app or product, then we are doomed to spending our entire careers complaining about things we cannot control rather than finding the solution.


On Global Accessibility Awareness Day, I encourage you to take on the fight of advocating for accessibility standards. That first part is an important part of creating accessible relationships. But, I also encourage you to reflect on the other two parts. What can we as professionals do to ensure that our learners not only have accessible content, but also have access to the tools AND the instruction they need to access that accessible content. 


Without all three parts.. Accessibility will just be a talking point and a hashtag. 


We’d love to hear what you think! Email us at  <mailto:info at eyetvision.com> info at eyetvision.com to tell us your perspective on accessibility. We’d love to hear from you!




 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001eRcnylTxlepMHT5JeHDwKY8gJGrUOm8XfosEt1SAZcolpOZrRVy9WNPp0aPqitUpTClLqNbRB9w7WPW-q4RouwH_NF7eivc5bj0Ux7nW-gnU_oLej6VnqsGymHd9evpreIPCuhbXtDpCo19ZboWbPw==&c=E4AaJzS2a6rFJ4TcpIKkiVMaRX997FDyMtxK-PAn21EXF2qSNOE8HQ==&ch=ogCan6mTrAE4Cc66gpkPmUU7ZI1XaJezRHburbH7xhBIlsccrQw45A==> Click here to watch our Tech Tip Tuesday for this topic! 






The Screen Reader Curriculum






Part 1: Working With Text


*     Instructor Edition only

*     Reading, writing, and editing text

*     80+ instructional videos

*     Practice Activities: Through the Magnifying Glass and Julia's Journal




Part 2: Basic Internet Navigation


*     Both an Instructor and Student edition

*     3 method of Internet Navigation

*     70+ instructional videos

*     Practice Activities: Mock websites and Navigation Candyland




 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001eRcnylTxlepMHT5JeHDwKY8gJGrUOm8XfosEt1SAZcolpOZrRVy9WNAZIEdtTHq_RDqJ6OY6GGdg0B0bQ54YdkEC_OWLWIROhHCc8DBz8g8SbhG2CLkEXoJAkK0eLR14ZQFqc32dop9-T3TzpCj9tA==&c=E4AaJzS2a6rFJ4TcpIKkiVMaRX997FDyMtxK-PAn21EXF2qSNOE8HQ==&ch=ogCan6mTrAE4Cc66gpkPmUU7ZI1XaJezRHburbH7xhBIlsccrQw45A==> Click here to learn more about our courses! 




Consult with us!


Want to learn more about us and what we offer? Then go ahead and click the button below to schedule your very own eye.t Walkthrough where we'll personally brief you through whatever it is that you are interested in!


Choose a date and time that is most convenient for you and we can't wait to meet you!


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001eRcnylTxlepMHT5JeHDwKY8gJGrUOm8XfosEt1SAZcolpOZrRVy9WNcnEgwtlpGF9yIsdZxTZ_KI9iH3krShnKnxcPWcaEt7JuH2LLKOkQP6C8FDpJaIDR2M5OSO2J6zJ1_rFC2ScKFo2bcdm_am1oZgtbdJTFitdX5iCMcIQqnhofmm55ng69fS1iF5Tz7D&c=E4AaJzS2a6rFJ4TcpIKkiVMaRX997FDyMtxK-PAn21EXF2qSNOE8HQ==&ch=ogCan6mTrAE4Cc66gpkPmUU7ZI1XaJezRHburbH7xhBIlsccrQw45A==> Click here to set up a curriculum demo walkthrough! 




EYET LLC | (410) 405-7380 |  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001eRcnylTxlepMHT5JeHDwKY8gJGrUOm8XfosEt1SAZcolpOZrRVy9WIL_-HgjvjmMqxnM0Phjwmg4UUK-iM0WtraisjVgsNO789rdKmkxtaA8bkPrxzZEE3VezAbjzBg92mkWFuW1s-MGP6Z9gInJVA==&c=E4AaJzS2a6rFJ4TcpIKkiVMaRX997FDyMtxK-PAn21EXF2qSNOE8HQ==&ch=ogCan6mTrAE4Cc66gpkPmUU7ZI1XaJezRHburbH7xhBIlsccrQw45A==> eyetvision.com


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