[SC-CSTD] FW: Monthly Lazarillo User Workshops

floza58 at bellsouth.net floza58 at bellsouth.net
Thu Feb 8 21:44:15 UTC 2024



From: Lazarillo <sam at lazarillo.app> 
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 12:51 PM
To: floza58 at bellsouth.net
Subject: Monthly Lazarillo User Workshops


Announcing...Our Monthly Lazarillo User Workshops!

Hi everyone! Sam here with Lazarillo. I hope your 2024 is off to an incredible start! We wanted to quickly drop by to let you know about our monthly Lazarillo User Workshops, the first of which will be happening this evening at 6pm CST!

These workshops will be a regular opportunity for you to talk with members of the Lazarillo team, who will be on hand to answer any and all questions or feedback about the Lazarillo App! The link to join these workshops will be shared exclusively in our community WhatsApp Chat, which you can join  <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=604c51a2c2&e=68a8f43144> using this link. We also regularly share updates about Lazarillo, including our latest projects and app updates, in the chat!

If you can't make the workshop live, no worries! We'll be sharing a recording of the workshop in the group chat for you to check out. Still have questions you'd like answered? You can send us questions or feedback any time using  <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=df65ee0295&e=68a8f43144> this form and we'll answer them directly via email as well as during our workshops!

We hope to see you tonight for an incredible conversation!

Till next time, take care and happy exploring!



 <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=ae98530a3b&e=68a8f43144> Join the Lazarillo WhatsApp Group Chat Today!
We've created this chat specifically for members of the Lazarillo community! You can use it to ask questions about using the app, report any bugs you might experience, make suggestions on new features, connect with other Lazarillo users, and more! We'll also be sharing all of the latest updates on the Lazarillo App and platform with you, from new features to special projects in cities near you!



 <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=27d4d866a3&e=68a8f43144> Ask Questions or Submit Your Feedback!
Use this form to submit questions or feedback about Lazarillo any time!




Check Out The Tutorial for Our New Simulation Feature!



Watch this video to learn more about how to use our new simulation feature in the Lazarillo App! 



Check Out Our Social Media Pages!
 <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=faa30041e6&e=68a8f43144>   <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=faeb66ad5e&e=68a8f43144>   <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=5038173a74&e=68a8f43144>   <https://lazarillo.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=406ac5bf03296d5de6b7ed9b1&id=73e186536d&e=68a8f43144> 




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Lazarillo · puma 1180 · Santiago 8420200 · Chile 

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