[SC-CSTD] FW: Menus4ALL - App to be discontinued on Feb 28, 2024

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Jan 23 11:03:46 UTC 2024



Steve Cook

You are invited to join us on the 1st and 2nd Friday of each month at 8:00 PM Eastern for audio described movies using the below Zoom platform! 

 <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8032543777?pwd=QTVQd2RzN3l6QnNmZ0FmSnp6NG8vQT09> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8032543777?pwd=QTVQd2RzN3l6QnNmZ0FmSnp6NG8vQT09

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From: Helen Fernety <helen at menus4all.com> 
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2024 11:37 PM
To: Brandon Foshee <brandonfoshee40 at yahoo.com>; Paul Herman <paulh7 at msn.com>; Stephanie Jones <Stephanie at menus4all.com>; kirkadams000 at gmail.com; Everette Bacon <everette at aira.io>; Troy Otillio <troy at aira.io>; Anne Marie <purposeinview at gmail.com>
Subject: Menus4ALL - App to be discontinued on Feb 28, 2024


Dear Menus4ALL customers and supporters,


It is with heavy hearts that Stephanie and I announce the discontinuation of the iPhone Menus4ALL app effective February 28, 2024. 


Over the past year, we have been proud to offer over 1,000,000 US and 80,000 Canadian accessible restaurant menus to our customers. We believe that our app has not only increased independence but also added joy to special occasions, such as dates, holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays at restaurants. Unfortunately, due to low sales, we can no longer provide this service. 


However, we remain hopeful that someone else will create a similar app to support the accessibility needs of our customers. As an alternative, we recommend using Aira <https://aira.io>  and Be My AI <https://www.bemyeyes.com/blog/introducing-be-my-ai>  to fulfill your accessible restaurant menu needs. 


If you have an annual subscription, please feel free to cancel. If you have a monthly subscription, Apple will not bill you any further. As we are a vendor of Apple, everything must be handled through your App Store account. 


To learn more visit our website <http://www.menus4all.com> . Thank you for supporting this groundbreaking product, 


Helen Fernety (she, her) 


Menus4ALL, Inc.


Book a meeting <https://calendly.com/menu4all2/30min> 





Changing lives one menu at a time for folks with blindness and visual impairments


 <http://menus4all.com/> Menus4All.com |  <http://www.instagram.com/menus4all> Instagram | Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/Menus4ALL/>  | YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs8aDRVvo1b_-a_Pmtckebg> 

Menus4ALL, Inc.  | 2074 Hallwood Drive, Memphis,  TN 38107


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