[Sportsandrec] New Member

Jennifer Boylan jaboylan at gmail.com
Sat Dec 27 21:17:53 UTC 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, all!

Welcome, Andrew!

Let me tell you a little about my favorite blind team sport, beep baseball.
All players are blindfolded, regardless of vision, and bat a beeping
softball into play so they can run full-speed through a buzzing 4 ft. foam
post better known as 1st or 3rd base.  Fielders run, slide, body-block and
communicate to come up with an out.  The pitcher and catcher are sighted and
do their best to ensure you smack the ball.  Sighted field spotters watch
for major collisions and give you an idea of where the ball will land in the
outfield.  4 strikes, 1 ball, 3 outs and 6 innings.  All you need to have a
great Saturday or season.  Our season runs Jan-August so I'm going through
withdrawals right now but staying in shape walking, jump-roping and working
out to music at home with weights and push-ups/crunches.  You've got to
check it out--maybe there's a team in your area.  Visit the National Beep
Baseball Association's website at www.nbba.org to find out more or ask me
anything!  We're hosting the NBBA World Series in Stockton, California July
26-August 2, 2009 and are really pumped!  We're also trying to get a Western
Regional tournament going in late April in Las Vegas.  But enough about
that...for now!

I really enjoy bowling and dancing with or without friends.  Beeping frisbee
can be played with blind or sighted, especially the kids who love throwing
anything at you (but this time you can hear it coming! Smile.)  Swimming is
great, spinning is great and I'm anxious to get into tandem biking.

On lazy days, you can always surf the net!  LOL

"Put me in Coach...I'm ready to play, today!"

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