[Sportsandrec] Beep Baseball Regs

Jennifer Boylan jaboylan at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 20:16:36 UTC 2008

Hi Peter!
I think beep baseball is exciting and has realistic regulations.  All
modifications seem to be necessary for a blind version of the sport or for
keeping the game moving along, which keeps it exciting.  We do use blind
catchers and base operators.  There is one legally blind pitcher in the
league who has been injured numerous times but toughs it out.  We don't need
to kill ourselves out there!  It is nearly impossible to hit the pitch by
sound, so the timing and accuracy of the pitcher are essential for putting
balls into play.  Pitchers stand only 20 feet from home plate so need to be
able to get out of the way quickly when the 1 pound ball is smacked at them
by a 38 oz bat.  The ball is heavy, since it must contain a charger, speaker
and beeping mechanism.  Let me tell you it hurts to stop a line drive in the
outfield, let alone at 20 feet.  Sighted help is not intrusive, but
complements what we can do ourselves and keeps the game moving.  Setting
fielders up is mostly done by players talking, listening and orientating
themselves to the sound of the ball or catcher's signal of "Set".  Sotters
help with minor repositioning to keep the game running and prevent some of
the dead time between plays.  Base-running is all you and the buzzing base.

Regular softball has 6 innings, too.  We don't want to wear the pitcher out
with extra "balls" when we're not trying to get walked and he's on our
team.  There are only 2 bases because there would be many collisions in
center field with a 2nd base, and we don't throw the ball to try to throw
people out or tag them.

I could go on; basically I really don't feel any of us that play the sport
feel coddled in any way.  Sighted teams come out to play us under blindfold
and have great respect for what we do.  I am interested in any discussion
about blind sports, and would like to hear opinions about NFB philosophy
anytime.  There's always a balance to be found.

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