[Sportsandrec] Goalball and soreness

Joe Shaw jrs3147 at comcast.net
Tue Apr 28 04:08:48 UTC 2009

Tennessee is starting to get goalball off the ground in a serious manner I think. We had our second night playing tonight and wo, was it fun. I have questions:
1. Does anyone know when the next reasonably close to Nashville  regional tournament might be? 
2. What is an ideal number of players for a team?
3. Are tournaments men, women, or mixed?
4. I do not wear a lot of padding as I like to bounce around and play. My elbow, knee, and hips feel like I have been in a car wreck. Does my body get used to this beating and how long does the soreness usually last? 
"I'm worth a million in prizes" Lust for Life Iggy Pop
Joe Shaw  

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