[Sportsandrec] Good mornin from Logan

Nick n.w.g at aggiemail.usu.edu
Fri Mar 13 18:31:49 UTC 2009

Hi there,

I'm glad the presentation was a success! I've given only one goalball
demonstration in my life. It was for my 12th grade psych class and it
was outside on the grass... yeah, I know.
As far as my defensive posissioning goes. Actually, I like to dive
backwards while facing the other team. :) Na.
Whichever wing I'm playing, I dive hands first to the line 99% of the
time. Let's say I'm playing left. Left knee down, right leg up. My
right foot is in a posission ready to push off. My body is kind of
facing the line, but I'm pretty much looking in the dirrection the
ball is coming from. In this set, I feel I cover way more ground. I
hope this was easy to follow?


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