[Sportsandrec] FW: BORP Goalball Tournament announcement

Christella Garcia christellablue at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 23:08:54 UTC 2009


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Newman [mailto:jonathan at borp.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:53 PM
To: Annie Desalernos; Ben O; Bill Johnson; Brandon Young; Dorit Resnikoff;
Euna Kim; Joseph Hamilton; Kathy Kelley VA; Lily Wong; Patricia Humphrey;
philip kum; Thomas Foley; Lucy Greco; Aaron Reichler; Ahmad Mshaiel;
autifroggie-comcast.net; B. J. Sexton; Christella Garcia; Christen Sessom;
Darian Smith; Jacob Sanchez; Jeremy Johansen; Jessica Lorenz; Jonathan
Marcotte; Jonathan Simeone; Josh Miele; Julie Stamm; Karla Gilbride;
Khemnesuel Fisher; Lisamaria Martinez 1; Marco Zepeda AZ; Michael Moore;
Richard A Rueda; Roberto Gonzalez; Roger Acuna; Rusty Renden; Seung Lee;
Shen; Tony Fletcher; Vi Huynh; Victor Hakopian 1; Wendy Scheffers SFSU
Subject: BORP Goalball Tournament announcement


Attached is a flier for the BORP Goalball Tournament on November 7, 2009 at
the James Kenney Recreation Center, 1720 8th Str., Berkeley. Please come out
and support the teams and the BORP goalball program and spread the word by
forwarding and/or posting this flier.



Jonathan Newman
<jonathan at borp.org>
Adult Sports Coordinator
Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP) 600 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA
510-849-4663 X 304
510-849-4616 FAX

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