[Sportsandrec] to Renee and CO POBC7

Annemarie Cooke aec732 at msn.com
Sun Aug 29 00:41:49 UTC 2010

Hi Renee, a wonderful speaker would be Dr. V and his son who must be 12 or 13 now -- they spoke to a Sports and Rec meeting three  or four years ago at convention. LM, can you help with names? Dad is a dentist in CA and his name escapes me. But answer to the question: So what do you do with a blind kid? Answer: Everything!
Together, they have done snow skiing, water skiing, surfing, judo and a whole bunch of other sports activities. Son is totally blind and doeshis part of the presentation using his braille display on his notetaker. You would love them and they do the BEST presentation!
Message me off list and we can talk further.
Annemarie Cooke
North Brunswick, NJ
aec732 at msn.com 		 	   		  

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