[Sportsandrec] Question for triathletes

Thornbury, Kelly kthornbury at bresnan.net
Sun Aug 29 15:37:19 UTC 2010

To any Triathletes,

I'm considering my first "unsighted" triathlon and I have a question about 
the swim portion of the event. The way I understand the rules set by USAT, 
my guide is required to be tethered to me within a distance of 0.5 meters 
during the swim. How is this best handled? Where is the best place to attach 
the tether to both of us so it won't interfere with our swim strokes?

Secondly, during the run, the blind participant is required to wear 
"approved" black out glasses. I have not yet been able to determine exactly 
what approved eyewear is. Am I supposed to wear sleepshades during a sweaty 
10k run? I called USAT, but the person I talked to really couldn't give me a 
definitive answer.


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