[Sportsandrec] clueless coaches

jody at thewhitehats.com jody at thewhitehats.com
Fri Jul 13 19:19:03 UTC 2012

Hello Mike,

I loved your story of the pole.  Yup, that is exactly what I mean.  \

Probably the reason why I have a problem with authority.

I think the worse Aide story I have heard of a second grader who had to sit
on the lap of the aide while the aide turned the blind child's head in
appropriate directions.  The aide has no formal training, maybe a
certificate program they get in four months or on the job training.  You are
really at the mercy of the attitudes and prejudices and misconceptions of an
adult who you can not talk back to without getting in trouble.

Can you imagine?  I would be in so much trouble. 



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