[Sportsandrec] Ice Fishing

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Sun Nov 4 19:24:55 UTC 2012

Hi Again Timothy, and all,

With ice fishing, for anyone who doesn't know, there are serious fishers who 
buy little tents or buildings to slide out onto the ice. and sit in all 
night long, to try to keep warm. They also sometimes bring space heaters or 
some such thing in, too, for the same reasons. These structures can get 
quite detailed. To me, though, it's slightly, well, um, crazy. I much more 
enjoy the elements being part of the attraction of fishing. Warm sunshine, 
cool breezes off the water or just in the air no matter where you're 
fishing. It's a package deal for me, so ice fishing really has little to 
offer me. ;-)

Hey, I'm all for Praise & Worship music, although for me it's got to stand 
out. There's too much stuff that all sounds too similar and is, well, too 
mellow for me. And also too many singers that don't really sing. They only 
speak the words in a pretty way. They seem to use their throats rather than 
their lungs. Now, here's 1 guy who seems to do both. I only dream of having 
a set of lungs like this guy. Love this song...

"David Phelps - End of the Beginning"

Strive On to Thrive On!

----- Original Message ----- 
> everet, i'm a musician so when you are out on the lake you can always take 
> my music along with you.
> i'm working on an album write now and you'll be able to pick it up for 10 
> dollars.
> i'm an artist who writes praise and worship music.
> now, one of these days i would like to record music next to a lake with 
> running water.
> anyhow, thanks for the ice fishing thoughts.
> web site
> http://www.timothyclarkmusic.wordpress.com

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