[Sportsandrec] Jumping Rope

JUSTIN LOUCHART jalouchart at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 10:03:07 UTC 2013

Hi, all,

Running is my absolute favorite thing. I love it. The problem is that
my lifestyle does not allow for consistency. I travel for work, so I'm
always in a different place and around new people.

My plan is to start jumping rope while I'm traveling or whenever I
can't access my running guides for some reason. Probably I'll run
something like three times a week and do a jump rope/weight training
routine on the opposite days.

Does anyone have advice for someone just starting out with a jump
rope? I'm relatively new to not being a couch potato, so I have no
idea what to expect.

Thank you all for any thoughts you might have. I'm open to anything.

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