[Sportsandrec] introduction and a question

Fred's Win7 Catastrophe regenerative at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 23 17:58:53 UTC 2014

Hello  Lillie, Even though you are in High School, you could begin 
taking classes at your local Junior College.  I was on my Sophomore 
Summer break from UCSD when I was injured in a car accident.  As soon 
as I was ready  I started at my local JC.  They had an Adaptive 
Weight Training class that was like an extension of my Physical 
Therapy from my outpatient rehab program.  When I returned to 
university level, each school I attended had both an adaptive 
Aquatics Program, and Adaptive weight training.  I got to do 
aquarobics, lap swim, and kayaking at UCSD and Cal State 
Humboldt.  At all of my schools, I got to lift weights with one or 
two students on their way to becoming Athletic Trainers or  Physical 
Therapists.  I also spent time on stationary bikes, and rowing 
machines:  those were great, since I could listen to a lecture or 
reading materials while doing awesome cardio workouts.  For the bikes 
and rowing gadgets, I asked someone to teach me the programming or 
whatever, and then I was on my own.  I've never used a 
treadmill:  they are a little scary to me, I walk almost everywhere I 
can anyway, and I doubt I  can reach the same level of cardio on a 
treadmill.  Also, a fan or heigh airflow and lots of water  are 
important for my stationary cardio workouts.

Two more things:  I got involved with tandem biking.  Sign-up for the 
Blind Stokers Club <http://www.blindstokersclub.org>www.blindstokersclub.org

Lastly, with a good mixed workout program, I made better use of my 
time, my grades went up, I was invited to participate in more 
extracurricular activities, and I met more people and made more friends.

Fred, near San Diego

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