[Sportsandrec] blind people in swimming

Kelsey Nicolay piano.girl0299 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 26 04:34:07 UTC 2014

I just joined this list.  When I was in college, I participated 
in group fitness classes and most of the instructors were very 
accommodating in terms of helping me.  I would like to get back 
into doing something like this since doing so gives me the 
opportunity to meet people and possibly network with them.  I 
found a swim club in my area that encourages people of all levels 
including fitness swimmers to participate.  I've never really 
swam before except taking some lessons when I was younger and 
doing occasional swimming in my water aerobics class.  Other than 
that, I've never swam.  Therefore, how would I do in a club like 
this? How would the instructor work with me on technique when I 
can't see what they are doing? How will I know if I'm going 
straight or not? These are all concerns I have, so any help would 
be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Kelsey Nicolay

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