[Sportsandrec] runners and joggers

Rachel Kuntz rachelrkuntz at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 18:26:33 UTC 2015

Hi all,


I am a new list member so don't know if the topic of running & jogging has
been discussed recently. I have been running or rather jogging for a couple
of years now but still haven't figured out a good system for running with a
sighted guide especially when participating in 5K's. Anyone have suggestions
that have worked for you?


I have held a shoestring while running with a sighted guide during a 5k.
This worked okay but never could get the right arm rhythm with my partner.


Other questions, I am not sure how to go about getting another person to
train with. My original buddy moved out of the area. 


Should I run with my cane? I have some sight so I usually don't have the
cane when running. I found that I couldn't keep the tapping up and remember
to breathe. I tried carrying it folded but didn't like how heavy it was. 


Eager for ideas,


Rachel Kuntz

rachelrkuntz at gmail.com 

937 245-0547 


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