[Sportsandrec] foot restraints for a terra trike

Robert Moore robertjmoore at embarqmail.com
Fri Apr 8 17:09:58 UTC 2016


 My wife/pilot and I/stoker  am getting a terra trike recumbent tandem
trike. I want to get  some kind of system for her feet. I would think that
there are several different systems.  I think I am less concerned with
performance than I am about safety and making sure that her feet do not end
up ever coming off of  the peddles because that could be disasterous.

What  have some of you used and what  would you suggest and why. 

 Cost is a factor but not the  determining factor.  Again safety is my
primary concerne. 

 We can talk shoes here as well but what I am really talking about are foot
restraints to lock her feet onto the peddles or some kind of heel cup that
would not let her foot fall to the ground.   Hope  this is all clear. 


Thanks in advance 


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