[Sportsandrec] Shooting and horseback riding, Not at the same time.

Robert Moore robertjmoore at embarqmail.com
Fri Nov 18 00:57:05 UTC 2016

I have not  ridden  horseback for decades, I have a cousin in law that will
not let me ride their horses because I am blind. I have an otherwise pretty
good relationship with him and his wife and  they are family so I just let
it go but that has always perplexed me and he is well aware of what I am
capable of.  I think part of the problem is that he is the type that once he
realized, if he ever did, he cannot go back o on his position because that
might cause  him to have to admit he was wrong and OH my gosh we just could
not have that. 

 Any how  Life goes on. 

 Now for shooting. I have done very little shooting but have  enjoyed the
times I did. 

The last time was this summer and I shot a 12 gage shot gun. We were
shooting clay   pidgins. We had for lack of a better term, a launcher.  So
they would go just about the same pattern every time so I had my spotter
stand behind me with  his hands on my shoulders and when they relieced the
pidgins  he would gently turn my shoulders to follow the pidgin at the right
time he would say,  go. 

I was told that I was a better shot then some of the guys there.  I did not
ever hit one but then again I only took a dozen shots or less and was told I
was very close 

No matter, it was fun to try and given a chance to do it on a more regular
basis I am sure I would start hitting them with a good consistent spotter. 


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