[SportsandRec] Solo Running Question

Bruce Paul bruce.c.paul at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 20:18:17 UTC 2021


I am a high partial with no peripheral vision. I have run/trained by
myself for most of my life since grad school. I ran my last marathon
in 2018. I wanted to get some feedback on training on my own, I was
told recently that I should be more careful when walking/running
through my local park. A kid rode by me too close while I was walking
my dog with my white cane, which caused me to flinch and yell. I
normally don't run around people, but walking my dog has brought me
into situations where I don't always have enough space to navigate.

I would not have thought about this, except that someone made a point
to talk to me about it, like they had heard how angry my behavior had
made people in the neighborhood. I have never had this type of feed
back, I have been running in my neighborhood parks for almost twenty
years now. I want to train for a half-marathon this spring and don't
have access to a tredmill due to COVID. My vision has been stable for
the last 10 years, though limited. I don't have a running partner. Any
ideas? I actually stopped going out into the park across the street
since I got the feedback. Any gear I might try?  Keep wanting
something that beeps or makes noise. Just bought a bright yellow shirt
with reflective tape. Anything else?

Bruce C. Paul

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