[SportsandRec] SC Get Fit

Lori Anne Coley loriannecoley at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 21:17:30 UTC 2023

The National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina sports and recreation division is hosting a Get Fit session Tuesday,March 7th, 2023  from5:30PM-6:00PM ETD. on our palmetto zoom platform. We will come together as a group to stretch, breathe, and get our blood circulating. No special equipment needed. Just you and a willingness to get up and get moving. If you have any physical limitations that restrict you from doing some of the exercises, they can be adapted to be done in a chair. Our main goal is to come together and let’s get moving and work on our overall health and wellness. Everyone is invited. πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦―πŸ¦―πŸ§‘β€πŸ¦―. 

Below is the zoom information to join. 

Hope to see you there. 

Palmetto zoom 
Meeting ID: 864 878 9090 Passcode: 124578
One tap mobile +19292056099,,8648789090# US (New York)

Lori anne coley
President  NFBSC sports an rec. Div.  
Public relations and social media committee
Click to donate, or join our membership, and follow us on social media.   
Purchase your Sports And Rec division koozie $2 or purchased your ticket for the 7 prize giveaway on 3/8/23. 1 tkt. $5 or 5 for $20.    

Support NFB, Sumter Chapter, Houston, fundraiser    
Tastefully simple   shop https://www.tastefullysimple.com/p/11475864    

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