[SportsandRec] Blind athlete interviews from the Nfb SC Sports And Rec division

Lori Anne Coley loriannecoley at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 15:49:45 UTC 2024

The National Federation Of The Blind of South Carolina Sports And Rec division has been doing interviews on Tuesday nights at 6 PM during our SC get fit time. We have interviewed several blind athletes, allowing them to share their amazing stories. Below is the list of interviews done so far feel free to listen. If you would like to share your amazing story , feel free to reach out and we’ll set you up with a time.

 Interview with sonic hockey  Danny Gard


Interview with Jay Spencer and his mom Gina blind wrestler 

Interview with Janice waulth blind archer 


Interview   Amy Wilson   
positive https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nblsyczszkljrglh995ir/Safety-positive-interview-Amy-Wilson-214710_Recording-Edit.mp3?rlkey=9qwx9r5bied54w5hjjp209558&dl=0

Randy strum  
Lori Anne Coley  
President, South Carolina NFB Sports And Rec Division  
📞 803-316-9838  

Donate to the NFB of SC Sports & Rec Division:  
Zelle: srnfbsc21 at yahoo.com  

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