[stylist] Blind and segragation
Donna Hill
penatwork at epix.net
Mon Dec 29 22:26:52 UTC 2008
Hi Angela,
Not sure what kind of article you want or how lengthy. Let me know.
BTW, I read your ADA paper earlier this afternoon. It was very
interesting and had some things I hadn't thought of -- like the idea
that as the school makes accessible documents for you, they are missing
the opportunity to teach you to do it for yourself. I wonder whether,
in your research, you came across any resources defining the difference
in cost for making reasonable accommodations for blind people vs. other
minorities. I thought the section about the difficulty in proving
discrimination in light of our law-suit-crazed society was excellent.
Can you send me your credentials? I gather you did this paper for a
class at Uba College, so you might not have a degree yet. But, if you
have held any offices in the NFB or other organizations, we could use
that information. Also, the purpose and motivation for your web site.
I still think it will be mid January till I can really work on it.
For my bio & to hear clips from The Last Straw:
Apple I-Tunes
Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind
Angela fowler wrote:
> Donna, would you like to also write an article for my "Training kids" page
> on my web site? In fact anyone with experience or knowledge of this area is
> welcome to write something. I'd like to present both sides, maybe as a point
> counter-point, but I haven't been inspired as to how to do it yet.
> Thanks
> Angela
> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Donna Hill
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:29 AM
> To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [stylist] Blind and segragation
> When I was pursuing my career as a singer/songwriter in the Philadelphia
> area, I used to do school assemblies, singing original songs to motivate
> kids to reach out for their dreams and showing them my guide dog, Braille
> and so on. I had never been to a school for the blind, but had friends who
> told horror stories about them. I offered to give an assembly at the
> Overbrook School for the Blind and spent a memorable afternoon there.
> Despite the fact that the school had invited a reasonably successful, blind
> college grad with two albums at that time, they insisted upon having all of
> the students at the assembly. Many were profoundly disabled children in
> wheelchairs with no capacity to benefit from my program -- other than
> perhaps enjoying the music, which I was willing to do for them separately.
> They made lots of uncontrollable noises to the point that my interaction
> with the blind kids of normal intelligence was significantly hampered.
> My experience with St. Lucy's School for Blind Children, which was at the
> time a school within a school in the catholic school system, was quite
> different. The blind students had their own area where they learned
> Braille, computer, etc and they went to classes in the main school based on
> individual needs and abilities. It was a wonderful place.
> The main reason that Braille is not taught in public schools is two-fold.
> It's expensive so blind kids' priorities are subservient to the need to keep
> costs down. Also, the general population has lost so much in the way of
> literacy, that they don't even know what that word means. No one would call
> a sighted child literate just because they listen to someone read to them.
> Also, many children are still being encouraged to use the remaining vision
> they possess for reading, though it is hard, even hurtful to them physically
> to read. Braille has such a stigma that they don't want to learn it. Then,
> when they're out of school and their vision drops to a point where they
> can't read, no matter how hard they strain, they have to go out of their way
> to learn Braille. I say teach it to all low vision kids. It's a skill; if
> you wish to abandon it in later life like you abandon algebra or Spanish,
> fine, but learn it.
> Donna
> --
> For my bio & to hear clips from The Last Straw:
> http://cdbaby.com/cd/donnahill
> Apple I-Tunes
> phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=259244374
> Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind
> www.padnfb.org
> Alan Wheeler wrote:
>> I never went to any school for the blind, but I know someone who has. I
> think the only problem is that nowadays, the schools for the blind also
> serve multi-handicapped students as well, taking a lot of the focus off os
> someone strictly blind. This makes for lower standards and less support for
> integrating the people who are blind, and blind alone, into regular schools
> at some point.
>> +-+-+-
>> But God commends his own love toward us, in that while we were yet
>> sinners, Christ died for us.
>> Romans 5:8
>> ~~~
>> Alan D Wheeler
>> awheeler at neb.rr.com
>> IM me at: outlaw-cowboy at live.com
>> Skype: redwheel1
>> Check me out on the Q, Fridays from 10 AM to 1 PM eastern time at
>> www.theqonline.net
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "The Crowd" <the_crowd at cox.net>
>> To: "NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 09:43
>> Subject: [stylist] Blind and segragation
>>> Here is a big ol can of worms!
>>> I have the opinion that blind children, at least for several years in
>>> their schooling should go to schools with other blind children. There
>>> they can learn their blind skills.
>>> Braille literacy would go back up, there would be confidence in
>>> mobility from the very beginning, home economics, typing, research,
>>> it would be a whole balanced thing, rather then trying to learn blind
>>> skills in a school for sighted people.
>>> yeah, yeah, I know, main stream makes them like everyone else, which
>>> is a load full, if you ask me. I've been in the public schools and I
>>> went to a school for the blind and it gave me the chance to do things
>>> I wouldn't do in public schools. I was on the track team, cheer
>>> leading, swimming, bowling teams. I learned how to cook, cut wood,
>>> shop, read Braille, type, we did plays, competed against other blind
>>> schools and sighted schools in pros and chorus. Instead they teach
>>> you a few fundimental things in public school, so you don't
>>> accidently kill yourself out in the parking lot, so you can do school
>>> work, but the skills that kids learned in those schools for the blind are
> lost.
>>> I find it sad that there are no more track teams, little five,
>>> wrestling and cheer leading multi school competitions.
>>> Blind children are not sighted children. They need to be with their
>>> peers, learn from one another, experience things among themselves.
>>> Then after they have those things in place, go check out the public
>>> schools. That is my opinion.
>>> I know many people think that blindness is just a nucience, but it is
>>> a lot more then that when you don't have the skills in place or the
>>> comarodery you need to understand it. I went many years being ashamed
>>> of being blind and it hurts people.
>>> Atty
>>> Life is short ...forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh
>>> uncontrollably...
>>> and never regret anything that made you smile
>>> "Qui docet, discit."
>>> "He who teaches, learns"
>>> I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will
>>> forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them
>>> feel.
>>> Maya Angelou
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