[stylist] Blind and segregation
helene ryles
dreamavdb at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 31 06:13:22 UTC 2008
This is why I think Segregating blind kids was a good thing. At least
at Elementary level. So the child can at least learn the basics of
blind skills. They don't seem to be getting that at the momemt. At
least for most of the time except when the school is equipt to deal
with their needs or they have parents who will push for their rights.
All the other blind kids get a really raw deal.
On 31/12/2008, Judith Bron <jbron at optonline.net> wrote:
> Most schools don't care that the majority of the high school seniors, who
> have been pushed ahead with social promotion, aren't literate enough to
> complete a job application. The teachers get their paychecks, great
> benefits and are expected to show up daily in the classroom. They do this.
> But they aren't going to take their orders from parents whose children are
> illiterate. Legislation will provide only one more layer in a huge
> bureaucracy. It accomplishes nothing. I'm sure that at one point all
> children graduating from the public schools were capable of reading and
> writing. That goal is still in the school mandate, but is ignored. If they
> don't care about sighted kids, then why should they care about a visually
> impaired child?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Donna Hill" <penatwork at epix.net>
> To: "NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 6:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [stylist] Blind and segregation
>> Parents don't insist because they are strong-armed by the public school
>> officials with budget concerns who tell them that their child doesn't need
>> Braille. We still live in a world where authority figures are deferred
>> to, whether they're right or not. I think it would be easier to convert
>> the school authorities with a change in the legislation than trying to
>> find every parent who isn't standing up for their kids and train them in
>> time to avoid having the kid miss out on their education. Surely, the
>> parents who join the NFB are given some support for standing up for
>> Braille literacy, but how many parents don't belong? I really think the
>> schools must be forced to do it.
>> Donna
>> --
>> For my bio & to hear clips from The Last Straw:
>> http://cdbaby.com/cd/donnahill
>> Apple I-Tunes
>> phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=259244374
>> Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind
>> www.padnfb.org
>> LoriStay at aol.com wrote:
>>> No. The main reason is that parents don't insist, loud and long, with
>>> advocates behind them when the schools balk. Braille has been taught to
>>> the two blind children in Chatterton School in Merrick, and all their
>>> work is presented to them in Braille. Actually, one of them is now in
>>> Middle school, and I've no idea what they do there, but her background is
>>> solid because her parents insisted.
>>> Lori
>>> In a message dated 12/29/08 2:26:11 PM, penatwork at epix.net writes:
>>>> The main reason that Braille is not taught in public schools is
>>>> two-fold.
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