[stylist] 2060

Peter Donahue pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 27 22:46:48 UTC 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone,

    It's frightening to think that the work the NFB is doing now to promote 
a positive view of blindness and to teach the World that those with physical 
disabilities have a place in this World now, in the year 2060, and beyond 
could all come undone by these myths and stereotypes resurfacing in such a 
Godless society. The scenario Ryan wrote about could have become a 
frightening reallity in this time had Hitler and the Nazis not been defeated 
and similar regimes crushed along with them. It gives Mary and I more of a 
reason to be thankful that we don't live in such a frightening age, that our 
nation gives the freedom to express ourselves without fear, or 
extermination, and that the NFB as a movement can continue to improve life 
for today's blind and warn against what could occur in the future to protect 
the rights of blind and disabled people of that age. Ryan this is a story to 
read while John Denver's, "I Want to Live" plays in the background. Now to 
get to that turkey and the trimmings.

Peter Donahue

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