[stylist] confusing similar words

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Sun Aug 30 21:08:15 UTC 2009

If Jaws pronounces s o u g h as Suff, Jaws is wrong.   What can I say?   
It's not so common a word.
The artificial intelligence behind Jaws is taking tough (t o u g h) as   
its model.

Consider:   taught, laugh, laughter, slaughter, though, thought
Similar spellings, different pronunciations.

Some more:
r i g h t and r i t e and w r i t e
m i g h t and m i t e
r a i s e and r a z e (which have opposite meanings)

As for No (n o) as the leader of a kingdom, I never heard of that one!
In a message dated 8/29/09 11:03:55 PM, n6yr at sunflower.com writes:

> I Knew about  sow, which can be pronounced  like sew as in
> clothes.  but it is pronounced different if it refers to a female pig.
> I'd never heard of sough, and jaws pronounces it as suff!
> oh in my post here, there's h e r e and not to be confused with h e a
> r.  there's k n o w not to be confused with no-the negative, No-the
> leader of  a country, Noe a name [pronounced no or nowee] ...
> jc

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