[stylist] Happy Thanksgiving from Shelley

Shelley J. Alongi qobells at roadrunner.com
Thu Nov 26 21:24:35 UTC 2009

Hello Cast and Crew,

Lest you think I spend all my waking moments curled up against some locomotive engineer's cab somewhere, let me just remind you that, no, I haven't forgotten that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and so I want to wish you a happy one. It has been a very interesting year for me as you might know. Sometimes one never knows what a year will bring. This year has brought new adventure, new fun, new experiences, and new friends. Right now as I sit down to write this on an early Wednesday afternoon, a small turkey bakes in the oven, the radio plays some kind of christian message, the dishwasher whirs, and my phone is silent. I haven't gotten one text message or phone call today. Yes this year saw me upgrade to the ability to text message! I promise I'm not a texting teenager, I've only been at it three days. I can tell you that there are quite a few messages in that sent box and I hope I'm getting the hang of it. So if you want to drop a line, my cell number is (714)525-9632. Send me a text and let me practice. And you can always call if you prefer.  

I'm not cooking a turkey for tomorrow. I'm cooking one for food and I always love the smell of baking turkey and the feel of butter, apples and skin on my hands. Cooking relaxes me. Yesterday Glen my Metrolink engineer asked me if I was cooking tomorrow, Thursday. Yes, I said, a green bean caserole, but today I can proudly report to him that I'm making a turkey, too. Yes I'm planning to do my nightly visit to Glen's train and get my ice-cream from the cafe. This year people at the station have become adopted family, I've gotten a new room mate which is working well so far, and I've made friends with a locomotive engineer, even if I sometimes can't understand half of what he says! I think it's time for the lanterns and hand signals. I can't see them so we'll just have to work through it. It's worth it! By the way, he told me he's not cooking.  Stellar!

So while you're cooking, cleaning, dancing and singing, have a super fantastic Thanksgiving! And remember to be thankful for all our blessings, friends, family, and yes even dishes! Enjoy you and yours! And, as one bus driver I talked to today said, "eat a lot." Looking forward to it! 

Till we meet again online or in person, keep dreaming! 

Shelley J. Alongi 
Home Office: (714)869-3207
NFBWD "Slate and Style" editor 

"What sparked your interest in trains?"
"The face of an engineer who knew he was going to get killed by a freight train."
---SJA for anyone who wants to know
To read essays on my journey through the Chatsworth train accident, train travel, and now meeting the engineers, Metrolink 111 or other interests click on http://www.storymania.com/cgibin/sm2/smshowauthorbox.cgi?page=&author=AlongiSJ&alpha=A

updated November 1, 2009

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