[stylist] a poem

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Mon Oct 5 04:18:20 UTC 2009

Do you know the story of Purim?   Queen Esther saves the Jews from Haman 
with the help of Uncle Mordechai, a righteous man.
On Purim, a man is entitled to drink enough so that he can't tell the 
difference between the arch villain Haman and the righteous Mordechai.

Otherwise, a cup of wine on Friday nights and Saturday noon is about the 
limit.   My grandfather used to have a shot glass of schnapps (whiskey) on 
Saturday after synagogue, but that's about it.
I'm sure some Jewish people do drink, but it's not a cultural imperative.

In a message dated 10/5/09 12:14:28 AM, n6yr at sunflower.com writes:

> okay Lori,
> now you have to explain: what is the traditional  alcoholic beverage
> transporting the observant jews into the land of, uh, well, being 
> plastered?
> just curious.
> didn't know that about Purim.
> protestants have an entire range of treatment of intoxicating
> beverages.  I am a tea-totaller.  yes, beer and wine taste good, but
> my faith is more important and I read a passage in the New Testament
> to say one shouldn't have alcohol effecting one's mind.  Other
> protestants do drink freely.  some have sacramental wine in the
> worship service too.  however, there you don't drink enough to get 
> "drunk."
> jc

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