[stylist] Plot input.

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Tue Sep 1 16:36:09 UTC 2009

Any book that will sell either has to be so outrageous that no one will 
credit it (See Harry Potter series for example), or contain a touch of reality.

I ran the idea past a friend, who says if two people need heart 
transplants, there is no doctor who will switch two bad hearts.   She has a point.   So 
if you are looking for reality, this isn't the way to go.   If you want to 
be outrageous, however, go a step farther, and make it magic, and then it 
will fly.   Just don't make the hearts in poor physical shape.   Remember the 
Bewitched series?   The wicked mother in law was always doing something 
magical to give Darren an understanding of other people, and it was one of the 
more popular TV series around.

On the subject of communication:   When David worked at the hospital, often 
he had deaf patients.   If there were no interpreters available, a 
communication problem ensued.   He solved it by using his laptop with screen reader. 
  So he would type the question.   The deaf person would read the screen, 
and type his/her answer, which David would hear.   It was a way around the 
red tape of lining up interpreters.   That's what you made me think of with 
the communication problem.

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