[stylist] DBG (chapter 4)

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Mon Sep 7 20:37:18 UTC 2009

Okay.   I'll do it with a few examples, though not from your story.   
You'll just have to apply the principle.

"Hi," Mary said.   "How have you been?"
"I'm fine," replied Joe.   "Where were you all last week?   I looked for 

Note:   I've sometimes seen the Brits reverse the position of comma and 
quotes, and you'll have to talk with other British writers to get the details.  
 But figure that when you write a sentence that someone says inside of 
quotation marks, that sentence gets the same punctuation treatment as any 
sentence outside of it.   Now in the above example, the comma after "Hi" means 
that the words Mary said are part of the sentence.   If you were to write it 
this way:   Mary waved.   "Hi." --you have two sentences, and there is a 
period between the word hi, and the quote marks.
With a question put the question mark between the sentence and the quotes.
In a message dated 9/7/09 4:25:03 PM, dreamavdb at googlemail.com writes:

> I'll go through the punctuation again, but to be honest, it's not my
> strong point. It would help if you could show me where the punctuation
> is meant to go.

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