[stylist] DBG (chapter 4)

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Thu Sep 10 16:56:35 UTC 2009

Moving around in time is fine, if you anchor the chronology.   In the book 
I mentioned, The Time Traveler's Wife, each entry was dated, so we knew 
which ones landed in the past and which moved forward in time.   If you are 
setting your story on earth, you can use the usual calendar.   If not, you can 
invent years, months, etc.

Yes, I'm still interested in the story.   It takes a lot to confuse me, 
which is why I try to be aware of what will confuse others.
In a message dated 9/9/09 4:17:56 PM, dreamavdb at googlemail.com writes:

> I tried to do it a little more cronalogically but it lacked any sort
> of suspense that way. I was advised to put some drama at the beggining
> to help hook the reader.
> Fiona's chapter at the beggining starts somewhere at the middle of the 
> book.
> Nadia's chapters move cronologically.
> Liza's chapters are less cronological. She tends to deal with specific
> subject matters.
> I do hope I haven't lost you over this matter but differant people
> seem to have differant tastes and I can't please everyone. I thought
> it was ok to move about in time.
> Helene.

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